Monday, August 30, 2010
whistler weekend
Some trip photos to share today! Roger surprised me with a fun trip to Whistler for the weekend to celebrate our 4th year wedding anniversary! We packed up the wee one (yes, we took him along too... his first Whistler trip!). Instead of posting pics of the village and us wining, dining and shopping, here are some pics of the Olympic sites (minus the snow, of course) that we thought was kind of neat to see. The ski jumps in the last photo seriously made me want to pee my pants!
Monday, August 23, 2010
tiny tootsies
Friday, August 20, 2010
salsa garden
After weeks and weeks of waiting, I am happy to report that our little patio garden has successfully grown some edible delights.... finally! The tomatoes are turning red, our green onions and chives are not too shabby, and we've had a surprising number of chilli peppers too. Mix them together and what do you get?... well, salsa, I guess. Hmmm... now if we only had the foresight to have planted avocados...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
fancy new shoes
A shoe posting today, since I do have a bit of a shoe thing. Ahhhh, but not just any old shoes... these are custom ones illustrated by my hubby Roger (Crooked Walker). 440 artists were asked by Society6 to create a one-off customized pair of Vans... and he was one of the lucky 6 artists that were chosen! Too bad the pair that were made are in neither of our shoe sizes. I think wearing these would make the neighbourhood kids very jealous. ;)
Monday, August 16, 2010
summer street food
Took a bit of an unplanned blog break last week due to a bit of a fever and summer cold... ugh! Feels good to be back to normal, although I am still feeling really hot due to the heat wave that has stricken our city... phew! I feel like I am melting. Anyhoo, one of our weekend adventures to share with you today. We took the little one to the Summer Night Market on Saturday... ok, well, he slept through most of it in his carrier. Had some yummy Chinese dim sum and Korean bbq on sticks (mmmmm.. meat on sticks) and perused all the stalls selling their wares. Apologies for the odd pics, this was our attempt at balancing baby and trays of food whilst holding a camera. Very tricky eating meat on sticks and not dropping any on baby's head... but we were successful. :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
collage: maybe i'll get a kitten
Hooray, the weekend is right around the corner! I haven't posted a collage in quite a while, so I thought I would share one of my faves. This one is called "Maybe I'll get a kitten". In actuality, I can't ever really get a kitten since I am super allergic, so I have to admire the little fur balls from afar. Although, there are those hairless ones... but less face it, those are so not very cute.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
summer street banners
Hope everyone had a great long weekend up here in B.C.! An exciting thing to share today... some new banner designs I worked on that are making an appearance downtown in Vancouver. They are lining the sides of Granville Street, which is sort of Vancouver's entertainment strip (i.e. night clubs, bars, restaurants, and shops), in case you are not familiar. Check them out if you happen to be partying down there this summer. :)