Monday, September 22, 2014
bye bye summer
School is in session…. well, preschool for us anyways… and I am still trying to get over the fact that summer totally flew on by. We had one last weekend of beautiful weather, and now it is full on sweater weather…. well, technically sweater + raincoat weather up here in Vancouver. I'm crossing my fingers the sunshine comes back!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
website completed!
I am finally back on the blog! These past few weeks, I have been trying to finish my website… and I am happy to say, it is pretty much done! Phew! I have been wanting to update it for a long time, since the old site was not very friendly for phones or tablets (I know… how gauche… a website pre-dating iPad usage… the horror!). Will probably tweak a little here and there, but it is pretty much ready to go… check it out here.