Tuesday, January 13, 2009

collage: brown bird

From my living room, I can always see little birds landing on the large magnolia tree outside our window. I like watching them bounce around from branch to branch.. they always look very busy and energetic. I wonder if as many birds like to people watch as people like to bird watch. It would be interesting to know what these little birds think when they see people staring at them.


  1. Wow! Beautiful blog. Thanks for the kind comment on my NEW blog! Following you!

  2. I'm sure the birds are saying "Feed me!"

  3. Your blog is so nice! It would be nice to know what they think :)

  4. This female cardinal is gorgeous! I too love watching and feeding the birdies:)

  5. very pretty bird. I assume they sound somewhat like those commercials about Windex when the birds are talking and laughing at people that walk though those spotless glass doors =P
