Friday, January 16, 2009

collage: girl and balloons

Yesterday night we went and got our medical shots for our upcoming trip to Vietnam. Luckily they were able to condense three separate shots into only two. As a kid, I remember they would give you a balloon, sticker or lollipop once the shot was over. Despite the sore arm, I was glad to at least still get my lollipop as a parting gift. Too bad I won't be able to eat it while I'm still on my cleanse!


  1. I really love that collage! I'm going to visit your shop! Have a great wknd!

  2. Love the collage - it's so happy!

  3. Hello Fellow Canadian!! Found you on etsy!

  4. Enjoy your trip! My good friend is going to Vietnam too. I remember those days when the doctor would give you a lollipop, but not a balloon! :)

  5. Beautiful! Enjoy your trip and have a nice weekend!

  6. Great collage! Have fun on your trip! I remember getting shots when I went to South America and Africa! Shots are not fun! A Shot of Tequila is more like it or at least right before you get the actual shot!

  7. Such a cute, happy girl! I love the red!

  8. Canadian here too! Your collages are so adorable!
