Tuesday, January 20, 2009

inauguration day

How exciting for everyone in the U.S. today... it's Inauguration Day for new President Obama. There is a lot of buzz and chatter in the media and amongst everyone up here in Canada as well... and I have heard that there are parties going on here and there as well. I think I will watch it on TV today!


  1. I've been watching CNN ALL DAY, haha! I'm so excited about President Obama

  2. I made my two year old give up Sesame Street and Kipper the dog so I could watch the swearing in. The I turned off the TV. I know I'm a mean mean mommy, but it was history and I wanted to be selfish

  3. So, what did you think of the inauguration? :-)

  4. Quite a day, I agree, looking forward to seeing how we move forward.

  5. I watched and was impressed with Pres.
    Obama speech.

    Great blog Cabin!

  6. That was a great speech... very motivating and moving! Seems like a great step forward for the US!

  7. Such a wonderful day! Now it's the day after & I am still feeling all warm & fuzzy :)

  8. Wish I could watch it (gots no cable, lol) But I'm so excited to see a new president in office, and Barack has to be by far the best candidate yet! Seriously!
    P.S. I'm in Canada too lol! :) I think people around the world are celebrating this day!
