Thursday, February 26, 2009

collage: kitten chasing a bird

Ok... this jet lag business is getting a little bit ridiculous. I swear, my sleeping patterns are more like a cat these last couple of days. I wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning with tons of energy and then by noon I am in dire need of a cat nap. Yesterday night I fell asleep on the couch at 8pm, only to wake up at midnight to move to the bed and fall asleep again. Hopefully I can shake this pattern off soon!!


  1. One of the difficulties being a jetsetter!! Hope you enjoyed your trip...sure picked an interesting place to visit!!

  2. That collage is soooooooo cute!!!!!

  3. I love your travel story tidbits. Are you gonna post some photos of your trip??? I love travel photos!

  4. Precious work and seems related..Hang in it takes time to readjust that body clock..

  5. Thanks for posting your blog in the forums! Your illustrations are delightful.

  6. I love the kitten collage! All of your collages actually (especially the pipe one in your shop).
