Monday, April 27, 2009

Collage: boy and kite

We were walking through the park yesterday, when we spotted a very Charlie Brown moment indeed. Two kids shaking a trunk of a tree trying to retrieve their rainbow kite. The adults that they were with had managed to fly it right into the arms of the kite-eating tree. It reminded me of a collage I had done a few months ago. I have a feeling that the tree claimed victory that day.


  1. Great post! I love the collage, especially the use of wood as a background. Nice work!! :)

  2. I love the post! Actually when I see posts on kites.. it reminds me of the film Kite Runner.. still love that film a lot!

  3. Your collage is beautiful and the image of the kids battling the kite eating tree is hilarious, really fun post. Makes me want to go fly a kite.

  4. Your work is just beautiful and so inpiring~ Great blog.

  5. Aww, I've been wanting a kite, I've been trying to explain to my niece and nephew what one is and how much fun they would have with one. :)

    Such a sweet capture and collage!
