Wednesday, April 8, 2009

collage: fun and games

When I walk to the bank from my house, I always pass the local daycare centre down the street. This one time, the bell rung and the door flung open to a barrage of 3 - 5 year olds screaming "Yay!" at the top of their lungs as they streamed out the door way. It was the cutest thing. I think it would be awesome if adults still did that when it came to the end of work day. Could you imagine a group of corporate executives doing that?... how funny would that be!


  1. oh i feel like i do

  2. I've often thought the world would be a better place if more adults took their cues from children, at least where spontaneous happiness is concerned. :-)

  3. That would be funny! I can just picture it right now! LOL

  4. I love the retro look of your blog.

    You are so right also! I think I would be much more appropriate if I came out from work saying "YAY" instead of what I really say! ;)

  5. You really should see the teachers on the last day of school... WHOOO HOOO!!!!! They're worse than the kids...

  6. LOL! I think that would be great and SO much fun! Probably a great stress reliever too!

  7. To be a kid again! Yes, the world would be better off if we adults let ourselves experience such childlike happiness! Lovely collage!


  8. hee, I used to do that at my firm back in SF but then everybody knew me and my quirky girly kid ways.

    I still say YAY! or more often YAYs!! out loud and via text msg and online all the time.



  9. Oh what a cute scene that must have been to see! I love your idea of this being carried through to workplaces. I'll try initiating it at my workplace. I think there may have been some very loud YAYs from us all today as we left work behind for a our 4 day long weekend :)

  10. oh, i'm so glad some of you do do that! Yay! (sorry.. couldn't resist).

  11. Here's a story for you. I finished college a semester early because I was getting really sick of school and I couldn't do anymore. On the last day of my last class, I walked outside after the final and yelled "FREEDOM" (a la Braveheart) at the top of my lungs. I got some weird looks but it felt good!

  12. Oh to be young again. I DO feel like screaming that when I leave work, but grownups have to act like they like it. ;)

  13. it would be awesome! and we should be allowed to throw tantrums too. ;-)

    love love love these new collage-on-wood pieces!

  14. Yes, that would be wonderfully hilarious and probably so freeing. :)

  15. lol! the braveheart story is hilarious, thecraftbegins!
