Tuesday, April 21, 2009

magnolias at night

The magnolia trees are blooming all around our neighborhood. I had to post this pretty photo Roger took while the sun was setting. The lighting was so nice, it sort of reminded of a painting.

Also thanks to both Glitzer and I Love Devon Rose for passing on the "Kreativ Blogger" Award!

The rules for this award are. 1. Add logo to your blog / 2.  Link to the person from whom you've received the award/ 3. Nominate 8 blogs of your choice/ 4. Leave a message on the nominees' blogs.


  1. Congrats on the Kreativ Blogger award :)

  2. congratulations - your blog is beautiful.

  3. That is a gorgeous picture! And congrats!

  4. Thanks so much for nominating my blog Valerie! You are so sweet.

  5. Thank you for nominating me for the Kreative Blogger award! I appreciate it. I plan on mentioning you in my next post. I love your blog and your work as you know. :)

  6. Thank you much!! I love your pics and you have a very nice blog. Congratulations!!

    My husband is from Canada...what a small world :)

  7. Congrats on receiving the award! I love magnolias! Great pictures!

  8. Congrats! I love this picture! It is beautiful!

  9. Oh hoorah! I'm going to have to follow up on this when I can catch up with my life. Thanks for including me - I feel so honored! :blushes:
