Saturday, May 23, 2009

fresh cut flowers

I love having fresh cut flowers in the house... especially when I get to display them in my vintage 1950s head vase. The flowers make it look like she is wearing one big crazy hat. After searching around on the internet, I found a site ( that has an archive and history of all different kind of head vases... apparently they are quite collectible. Unfortunately, mine is missing her lovely pearl drop earrings... but I love her anyways... she looks like she knows she has an awesome hat, and couldn't give a hoot about her lost earrings.  


  1. That is a really cool vase! I have never seen one like it, what a very cute idea. And if you ever do start giving a hoot about her missing earrings, let me know and I'll make her some new ones! :-)

  2. So pretty!! My lilacs are just starting to bud. Will take pics when they are blooming.

  3. What a cool case! She looks spectacular is her crazy hat!

  4. I love having fresh flowers to and just brought in lilacs but they've faded quite quickly. They'd probably have more will to last longer if they were in such a cool vase!

  5. oooh that is the best vase ever!! great photo...

  6. that is so cool. great - now i have more things to scour the interwebs for and spend $ on. ;-) must have head vase!

  7. ok, seriously? that head vase is FABULOUS! those eyelashes! love it.

  8. See, I love stuff like that, but my husband finds it creepy! Lol!
