Friday, May 8, 2009

high tech ewok village

The other day we had a chance to visit the Greenheart Canopy Walkway at the UBC Botanical Garden, a 308 metre walkway of a series of suspended bridges high in the forest treetops. It was soooooo cool! As my husband Roger likes to describe it, it was like a futuristic high-tech Ewok village. You can see me in the top photo walking to the other side. It doesn't look scary, but about half way across, I began nervously laughing to myself as the bridge swayed and wobbled. Yub yub!


  1. That looks scary but fun too!

  2. that's too crazy! i think i had the option to visit that when i was in Vancouver a while ago, but backed out cause i hate heights (...particularly when they're viewed from wobbly suspension bridges!)

  3. wow! that looks super fun.

  4. You are even cooler than you already were in my book now that you have mentioned Ewoks in your blog. I am OBSESSED with them, I even have the Ewok village playset. It's in storage now, but I played with it all the time when I first got it (and I was like 21 years old). The yub yub at the end cracked me UP!

  5. Very cool! I would really want to do this, then be so scared I'd pee.

  6. I'm so jealous, I want to play on the bridge!

  7. Crikey you're brave. I'm too scared of heights to try anything like that

  8. Oh, that is really cool! And very like an Ewok village :)

    It's close to me .. but not quite close enough for a day trip. Looks like a fabulous place to go see in person!

  9. How cool! What a great experience. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  10. It looks terrific, but you are braver than I am.

  11. That looks great - wouldn't get me up there - but the pics are lovely!!

  12. WOW! That is amazing, I would totally chicken out!

  13. very Ewoky indeed, looks like fun :)

  14. WOw that looks amazing! I wish I could visit.

  15. What a neat day trip! This would be the coolest place to take my students on a field trip! Of course, they would either love it, or dissolve into tears within minutes.... It has the potential for huge disaster.... It looks simply amazing though. -e

  16. Wow, this looks like a ton of fun. I like high places. I used to do a lot of mountain climbing. There is something so exhilarating about being hundreds of feet in the air.

  17. Aak! You don't think that looks scary?! How awesome, but I don't think I could do it! :)

