Tuesday, August 25, 2009

mystery owl revealed!

Last month I posted  some pics of a mystery project that Roger and I were working on together. Well, the time has finally come for the big reveal... and no, it's not a jewelry box, or a bread board (as a few had guessed)... it is a skate deck! Merging our two styles into one (which would mean, of course, that it would be woodburned and have awesome skulls), the deck is our entry for my hubby's company Crooked Walker. The deck is part of Contributor's Smile On Your Brother Art Show, where a selection of international artists and designers were asked to create art boards. All the boards are up for auction online (Aug 24th - Oct. 25th) to help raise funds towards donating 100 skateboards to disadvantaged youth across Canada. Check out the auction here if you want to see some of the other boards, or perhaps make a bid (hint hint).

Also, if you want to see the boards in person... they will be touring in a traveling exhibit across Canada. We snapped some pics at the exhibit opening in Vancouver last night (at Livestock in Gastown, August 24th - 26th). The show will carry forth to Calgary, Saskatchewan, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City.... so check it out if it's in your neighborhood.


  1. this is so cool! what a fun project to do together!

  2. awesome! it looks wonderful. what a great project. i don't know if you saw this but you made it on poppytalk- http://poppytalk.blogspot.com looks like the post was yesterday. go you! :)

    peace & love.

  3. Wow, that is great!! I love that you guys collaborated on such an awesome idea.

  4. Wow! Very cool! I could never work with my husband. He is way too managerial!

  5. Okay, that's sweet! That's a deck to mount on the wall!


  6. Oh love this...I am off to downtown Vancouver today...may stop into see the exhibit...we are heading to the art gallery but may stop in here as well!!! Thanks for sharing.

  7. There really are no words to describe how much we
    (yes, I hollered for the hubby to get his butt in here) love this!!!!!
    I wish we could go to this exhibition! Its awesome!!!!!
    The hub's "Tribute to Old School Skateboarding" show opening is a week from Friday, I wish you two could come to that too!!

  8. A skate deck?! Could you get any cooler? I love the owl with antlers!

  9. Great project.. Love that beautiful. Cool stuff.

  10. OMG! that's awesome! Makes me wish I could skate:)

  11. As others have said... WAY COOL! So awesome to see you both working together.

  12. AWESOME! What a cool thing to have your work on a skateboard. I am afraid I have to award you the 'Hip Chick' award :)

    BTW, word verification word was 'ferbie'

  13. Wow! This is so cool! I love that you guys worked on a project together.

  14. Wow, that's so cool!!

  15. Wow...that owl is beautiful....and a neat idea and a wonderful cause.

  16. That is so cool!

    I used to skateboard in my teens a bit--yep I just wanted to hang with the guys ha ha. I once went out in the Seattle rain and of course fell hard and tore a hole in my pants. What a dork!

    What a wonderful project! Excellent work :)

  17. Wow!! You two are amazing! My kiddos are all staring at your art and wanting that deck badly! Great project! xo

  18. I totally didn't see that coming! How freaking awesome. What a fantastic group project. And beautiful work.

  19. Congrats to you both...it looks fantastic...so lovely that you could work on a project together!

  20. It's been said but theses are very, very, very, COOL!!

  21. So glad everyone likes it.. and yes, I was excited to see the Poppytalk posting too! ;)

  22. Very cool!

    Great to work on it together as well!

  23. What an amazing project! I love the skateboard you and hubby collaborated on! Wish the exhibit would tour Oz!
