Tuesday, November 3, 2009

autumn berry trees

I love the falling leaves of autumn... and lately I have been noticing more and more trees that have beautiful bright autumn berries... so pretty! On a nature walk over the weekend, we managed to snap pics of three different berry-types in varying shades of red, orange and pink. I really want some to have in the house, but am trying to resist the urge of clamoring up a tree with a small saw... so I think I may have to visit the local florist today to see if they have any pre-cut ones.


  1. Lovely photos. It's amazing how we begin to notice things once we start using a camera, suddenly so many things come into focus and we find ourselves thinking; "Wouldn't that make an awesome picture?"

  2. Beautiful! Your autumn actually looks like an autumn because you're not in Florida! We look like summer around here year round :)


  3. I think it would be more interesting to see you shimmying up someone's tree with a saw. ;)

  4. Love the photos!!!! I have some photos of trees and bushes with berries also.

  5. Hello autumn berries, you are more beautiful than beautiful!!

  6. Gorgeous photos. So many beautiful things to see in nature during the autumn.


  7. Beautiful pics! These berries look mouth-watering.. Are they actually edible?

  8. Do you know if they're edible? Because they look delicious. I'm not sure if that's because I want to eat them or if it's just your mad photography skills.

  9. oh yes, i forgot to mention... i don't think they are edible, just to be on the safe side. they are only pretty to look at. ;)
