Tuesday, November 24, 2009

what is a toque?

If you happen to be in Vancouver this Friday and Saturday, come and visit me at Toque, Western Front Society's annual fund-raising craft fair! Both the husband (Crooked Walker) and I, with fellow Hob Snobs Craft Collective ladies (Track and Field Designs and The Beautiful Project) will be there with 18 other artists and designers! Come by Friday if you like sipping wine and snacking whilst shopping.... er, and come back Saturday to do more sober shopping that you may have forgotten to do while sipping and socializing from the night before!

Also, if you happen not to be Canadian, and are wondering, "what the heck does Toque mean anyway?"... well, I am here to enlighten you. Pronounced like the number "2" with an added hard "k" or "c" sound at the end (two-k), it's a common name we use up here for a knitted winter hat. Since we wear them quite a bit up here in the winter days, it gets a bit wordy trying to always say "knitted winter hat" all the time. So next time you are about to say, "knitted stocking cap" or "ski hat" or "winter hat"... throw in a little Canadiana and call it a Toque.

Friday, November 27, 6-9pm
Saturday, November 28, 11am -5pm
Western Front
East 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC


  1. I miss hearing the word toque. Get this...in the South they call toques toboggans...heheh. The first time I heard someone say that he needed his toboggan on his head....I giggled ALOT!
    Wishing I could be there for it! :(

  2. Good to know! I'll try and incorporate that into my vocabulary!

  3. Well lookie there, I learned a new word today. Thanks for adding to my vocabulary. :-)

  4. I know what a toque is :)
    Knitted cap just sounds so wrong.
    Hope you have an awesome time!! I keep telling hubby that when we retire - I'm going to as many craft type shows all over North America as I can find.

  5. Thanks for the explanation. Is "toque" derived from French?

  6. That's funny you should post this. Just yesterday I left a comment on a Hawaiian's blog, and just before I hit publish quickly realized that I had better go back and explain what I meant by "toque hair"!

  7. LOL, glad you defined that...I have heard it called inhaling a certain weed. L(

  8. Wish I could attend! By the way, I grew up in upstate NY and we use to use the term toque regularly - I guess we weren't too far from Canada!

  9. Good luck to you :) The poster for the event is FABULOUS! LOVE it! Very craft appropriate :)

  10. Never heard of the word toque. I've heard of toboggan though. Here they are more commonly referred to as a beanie. Not sure where that came from, but it rolls off the tongue a lot easier than toboggan!
