Wednesday, October 20, 2010

picky pumpkin patch

With Halloween just around the corner, we headed out to the Westham Island Herb Farm on the weekend for some pumpkin picking. With baby in the carrier, we trekked out into the muddy field to pick out our soon-to-be carved victims. Murphy's law that all the wheelbarrows were taken, so poor Roger was left juggling three pumpkins (one for the each of us), while baby and I kept changing our minds on which ones we wanted... ok, ok.... I was the indecisive one, the baby is a bit too young to be picky about pumpkins. I'll post pics of the carved creations closer to Halloween!


  1. Haha, poor Roger. I'm sure you were just trying to pick the perfect ones for carving. Thanks for reminding me that I still have to get a pumpkin!

  2. Such fun picking a pumpkin!

    I have a styrofoam or molded one that I have had for years. Sits on the porch with the electric light in it. Of course it used to have real companions.

    The other day a blog had their roasted pumpkin seeds shown and the recipe. It made me really think about buying one this year!

    Happy carving!


  3. Aren't the colors so rich and lovely? It sounds like a perfect day, except maybe for Roger.

  4. Wow, a lot to chose from. Seems the more decisions we're given the harder it becomes to decide. LOL

    I love the first photo with the wagon of pumpkins in the background and the pretty pumpkin orange flowers in the foreground. You have a fantastic eye for capturing a photographic scene.

  5. The pumpkin patch is always so much fun...and yes why are they always out of wheelbarrows! Happens to us every year too. ;-)

  6. Hmmm, there's gotta be one around me somewhere...

  7. Babies are such a good excuse to go to the pumpkin patch! And lots of other places!!! So fun! They breathe new life into the holidays. Enjoy it all!!! (I know you are)

  8. lolol poor roger. Wow that is so many pumpkins and I haven't been pumpkin picking for so long! Look forward to those pictures of craved pumpkins =D

  9. oh, you know how much I love pumpkin patches! So much fun! I'm really picky too.

  10. yay for punkins!

    we didn't get a wheelbarrow for ours this weekend either, so hubbers got to carry the jumbo one. ha ha. it was the perfect autumn day for punkin pickin' down here, though.

  11. Can't wait to see how awesome your pumpkins turned out. I saw the best little bunny pumpkin somewhere, but I can't find it now! Curses!

    I'm skipping pumpkin carving this year to move. :( Ah well, at least we'll be close to the beach come summer!

  12. I love pumpkin patches, haven't been to one in years. Thanks for bringing one to me here.

  13. Aw that sounds so so awesome! I cannot wait to get a pumpkin this year.

  14. Beautiful photos! Pumpkin carving is always fun this time of year!
    : )

  15. Great shots of these lovely pumpkings and more.

  16. Great pictures! What an awesome pumpkin patch. I love picking out just the right pumpkins. I kind of favor the lopsided ones, the underdog pumpkins I call them.
