Thursday, October 28, 2010

pumpkin pressure

Ok, so we still haven't carved our pumpkins yet (where has the time gone?)... and Halloween is coming up fast. I think that is what we will be doing tonight. For inspiration though, we did venture out last night to view other carved pumpkins. The pumpkin pressure is on! Alas, I haven't been a total Halloween slacker... after some struggle with the sewing machine and needle and thread, baby Jasper's costume is done! Check back this weekend for the big reveal!


  1. I just carved my pumpkins last night! I forgot just how much fun it is to carve pumpkins. Can't wait to see yours!

  2. Oh wow, all kinds of cool pumpkins!

  3. Eeek! I can't wait to see what he's going to be for Halloween! :) Cool pumpkins.

  4. Wow...lots of cool designs! We'll be carving tomorrow night...always fun and then roasted pumpkin seeds. :-)

  5. Carved last night and will again tomorrow night! Great inspirations there.


  6. I'm sure yours will be the best of the bunch! have a spooky creepy Halloween! :)

  7. eep! i haven't carved one yet either. I'm pretty sure that i'm going to run out of time.

  8. I meant to go get a pumpkin in Richmond again this year, but whenever I've had time it's been raining and gross out. Perhaps today is the day to just buy one at a store and get carving!

  9. Love the faceial expression on the one on the right!

  10. Oh my goodness at all of those pumpkins! Have fun with your pumpkin carving :)

  11. I'm excited to see Baby's Halloween costume :)

    Have a fun time carving pumpkins!

    Happy Halloween and have a lovely weekend T.:)

  12. Just found your blog in the Etsy forums. Wowwweeee loving the photo of all those pumpkins, alas we only had one but I sure would like all of those in my front garden at Halloween :D

    Best Wishes,
