Monday, November 22, 2010

snow snow snow!

So would you believe that we have had our first snow fall already! This past weekend we woke up to a pleasant surprise. It usually never snows very much here in the city (on the local North shore mountains, yes, but not too much here)... and especially this early! Time to dig out all the scarves, boots, and mitts! Hooray for snow, snow, snow!


  1. We had some too! Isn't it weird! Love you photos! Ours melted as quickly as it arrived :)

    More to come though, brrrwww....

    Have a lovely day T. :)

  2. I knew that spending several hundred $$$ on snow tires would pretty much guarantee any snow would be short-lived! That's exactly how it happened here in the Tri-Cities!

  3. Oooh how exciting! It certainly doesn't feel like winter where I'm at. My husband and I went for a walk in t-shirts today! You enjoy that snow, girl. ;-)

  4. Snow is great fun to play in and in a few short years you'll have your "little man" to teach how to make snowballs and build snowmen, how to toboggan and ice skate and how to play the sport of Curling. Many fun days awaiting you in the near future, you lucky young mommy. ;)

  5. You can all the snow this year :-)

    I'll pass! LOL


  6. You can all the snow this year :-)

    I'll pass! LOL

    I'd love to see Jasper in his snowsuit!


  7. I'm not so excited, it means fighting horrible traffic ;p

    Enjoy it before it melts!

  8. How pretty! It's 63 degrees here in Ohio today, and I have the windows open. Very weird for this time of year.

  9. I am already looking forward to the second round. Our snowman is still standing although we're missing his carrot nose and his almond eyes...

  10. We have a ton of snow around here too!

  11. oooo I heard that!! My sister had to call to tell me all about the snow. So jealous! xo

  12. I posted about the same thing. Looks like it just might be a white Christmas even in the city.

  13. Crazy that the "wet coast" got snow before we did here (Southern Ontario). I can't remember that happening before! Looks pretty though.

  14. I am a wee bit jealous. We just had a 70 degree sunny day yesterday. I think I am ready for snow :)

  15. Brrrr...but pretty! Love the top photo. :-)

  16. Yay for snow! I can't wait for our first snow but we have no signs of it! Has been rather warm here. I hope you had a great chilly day :)

  17. Gaaa I am dreading this winter - it's too early for snow!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving !!!

  18. Here's gonna be so soon.. The bad thing about that is that I hate the cold weather!


  19. it was news here the other day about some parts of BC getting snow and getting really cold.
    as for me, i can't wait for massive snow to fall here in Toronto:) i love snow.

