Wednesday, December 29, 2010

baby's first christmas

We hope everyone is having a great holiday break! I thought I would sneak this post in between the two holiday weekends, amidst the buzz of visiting, family gatherings, and constant feasting (perhaps, too much feasting). Here is a pic of our tree (yes, it is real... uh, and, yes... it is sort of a mishmash of old and new ornaments... I like to think of it as my anti-designer tree... heehee). This was Jasper's first Christmas... and we found out very quickly that he loves playing with wrapping paper. We probably could have wrapped up piles of wrapping paper as a gift and he would have loved it, but alas, Santa did get him real gifts. Here he is with one of his favourites... the dancing Snoopy doll (the head and feet move so it looks like it's dancing to the Peanuts song!).


  1. I have been watching every day to see this! Jasper is adorable! I sure he was the BEST 'thing" under the tree!

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. What a cutie!!! And I want a dancing snoopy, lucky kid. :)

  3. He is so adorable! and HAIR! My grandson, loved the paper too! Happy New Year!

  4. Ahhh... so sweet and it will only get better! I have a 3- & a 1 1/2-year old and they had a blast this year!

  5. Aw he is so cute! He is getting so big!!! Adorable! I love the dancing snoopy...I think my mom would love that hehe- fun for all ages :)

  6. Happy Holidays! What a cutie, it looks like he enjoyed his first Christmas!

  7. Too cute!
    The first Christmas is always so much fun and they all love the wrapping's too funny!

  8. Jasper is just too cute! I hope you've had a lovely first Christmas with him with many many more memories to make :) Happy New Year!

  9. oh my goodness that's so exciting for everyone ;) Baby's soooo cute too!!!



  10. Lovely photos. The eclectic look of the tree is wonderful.
    Jasper is adorable.
    Why is it that kids just love the wrapping paper and empty boxes!

    Happy New Year!
