Wednesday, June 29, 2011

berry delicious

Phew... I have been trying to upload this darn photo forever.. and it has finally worked! Sometimes, Blogger just hates me. Anyways, I just wanted to remind everyone that strawberry season is here! We went strawberry picking on the weekend and picked about 10 lbs worth. Seriously, you have never seen someone pick as fast as yours truly wearing the baby in the harness... after what felt like 1000 squat lunges, I filled my bucket in 20 minutes. Anyways, it was well worth it... check out our bounty!


  1. Yum...nothing beats fresh berries!

  2. Yay strawberries! We've already bought two baskets full - one went into a strawberry rhubarb pie, and the other will become a strawberry peach pie. :D So glad stuff is finally starting to ripen here.

  3. Yum! I had strawberries for breakfast. Fresh summer fruit is the best :D

  4. woooh sounds like a real workout...imagine how fit a full time strawberry pickin momma would be! they look delicious...

  5. Strawberry shortcake or home churned vanilla ice cream with sweet ripe strawberries ... what could be better ? ... well maybe a juicy fresh, succulent strawberry dipped in dark chocolate. :)

  6. Miss the fruit available at this time of year in BC (Okanagan in particular!) There's nothing like eating canned berries when the temps are down to - levels, as they were in Edmonton when we lived there between 1975 and 1987! We're enjoying strawberries here in the UK, too. Just don't eat too many (at any age!) Cheers. Isobel

  7. I love strawberries! I've been making smoothies and ice cream with mine. And just popping them in my mouth like candy. Yum!

  8. Gorgeous!

    Enjoying your blog! I found it through Etsy Blogging Buddies.


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  10. We have been eating so much strawberries lately and still can't get enough of them! Wished we could go strawberry picking too but its been a bad season for berry picking this year in Sweden :(

    Love your blog! Love for you to follow me too.
