Monday, November 28, 2011

i made it!

Finally getting a chance to post today... I am recovering from the fabulous four days at the Make It! holiday show. Thanks to everyone who came by to visit our booth and thanks to everyone who made a little purchase as well! Here is a pic of some of my wares... as you can see the table was a bit on the overflow side. Thankfully, I came home with less inventory... hooray! One show down, two more to go... will post the announcements for them soon!


  1. looks fantastic and congratulations on the sales and here's to many more.

  2. Your show booth always look so nice and neat.

  3. Your table looks very inviting!! Glad it went well. :-)

  4. Congrats on your first show, glad to hear it was a success. Your table looks great! I hope your next two goes as well!
    Everyday Inspired

  5. I am doubly intrigued by the Make It show, now. I will probably never do it, but I have friend who turns her trip to the show into a visit with family out west. She has nothing but praise for the show.

    Got Craft is another fun one, I've heard.
