Friday, December 2, 2011

this weekend - got craft?

Another holiday show is just around the corner... this coming Sunday to be exact! Come and visit me and over 50 other handmade designers... there will be fresh food, a DJ, A DIY table and a chance to nab a coveted swag bag if you are one of the first 45 people through the door. And seriously, these things are in demand... I have seen the line up out the door when I have got there at 8:30AM to set up! Hope to see you there!

Sunday, December 4th
10am - 5pm
Royal Canadian Legion
2205 Commercial Drive 
(@ East 6th Ave)
Admission $3 (kids under 10 free)


  1. I'd love to be one of the 40 people, but alas! I live too far away!

  2. I hope you had a great show, and you sold lots of merchandise.
    Everyday Inspired
