Friday, March 9, 2012

these boots are made for walking

Shoe shopping is one of my weaknesses. Happily, I get to have double the fun lately since now I get to buy shoes for the wee one too.... hurray! Which leads me to this post ( I could not resist, since these pair of boots are waaaay too cute). Got these from Joe Fresh – Jasper's first pair of rain boots. I am kind of wishing they made these in adult sizes. But maybe it is for the best that they don't... perhaps having matching boots for mom and tot would cause too much future embarrassment for the wee one. :)


  1. Those are cute!

    You are probably right on the future feedback! LOL


  2. Really cute! You're right that sometimes it's best when the cute things aren't available in adult sizes.

  3. Those are so cute, and I really love rainboots!

  4. oh my gosh those are ADORABLE! And thanks for introducing me to Joe Fresh. Cute stuff!!

  5. How cute! Kids have the cutest rain boots!

  6. OHmygosh! Look at that! I would totally wear them, too.
