Monday, April 23, 2012

forgetful me and many thanks

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Make It show in Vancouver this past weekend to visit the Hobs Snobs booth. I realize I wrote a blog post last week announcing the show and didn't push the "publish" button... ugh - lame me!!! I will promise to make sure I push the button next time. Here is a quick snap of our booth space... changed it up a little bit... nixed the table and used inexpensive metal shelves instead (hooray for Ikea). One spring show down, one more to go!


  1. Smart idea on the shelving V :)

    I know hauling those tables gets old :(

    This definitely looks awesome :)

    Hope your show went well, cheers, T. :)

  2. Looks fantastic...hope it was a success!
