Monday, July 30, 2012

seeing green

Spotted yesterday... a wee green tomato (well, two actually) finally making their appearance on our tomato plant. At the rate we are going, we'll have some ripe tomatoes by the end of summer... sigh. Fingers crossed there will be more than two.


  1. I hope they make it! The deer ate my fist batch of tomatoes. Still waiting for the second growth


  2. Yum! There's nothing better than garden fresh tomatoes. :)

    (found you on the Etsy Blog Team)

  3. I hope you have tons of tomatoes! There is nothing better then a fresh tomato right off the plant. My plants are out of control this year, I think am going to have to do some canning.
    Everyday Inspired

  4. Yay for tomatoes! I inherited a garden with the new house, and there are two kinds of tomatoes in it. Now I just need to learn how to tend to them...

  5. You can not beat the sweet flavor of a fresh, off the vine, ripe tomato.
