Monday, April 29, 2013

oh, show fun

Just wanted to thank everyone who stopped by my booth at Got Craft over the weekend! This past week has been a bit crazy, I realized baby-brained me didn't even post the show announcement.... ack! (and when I say baby-brained, I truly mean it... the count down is now 4 weeks until baby arrives). Check out some more cool shots of the show on Poppytalk here. I'll be taking a break from shows until the coming holiday season, since, well... it will be baby time, of course. :)


  1. Great display! I hope your show was a huge success!

    Woohoo!! Jasper is going to be a big brother! Congratulations!


  2. Looks like you had a great show! I didn't even realize you were busy cooking up baby #2, congrats!
