Wednesday, April 30, 2014

swag magnet

It's almost show time! One more week until the Got Craft Spring Edition. My workshop is in high gear trying to get everything ready for the weekend show… and that includes preparing the swag that will be handed out to the first 50 people to the show (each swag bag has tons of goodies in it from each of the vendors… so if you are coming to the show, get there early!). The swag I made for this show are little wood apple and pear magnets - a little wooden touch for your stainless steel appliance. ;)


  1. I love the apple magnets! Super cute.

  2. The magnets are so sweet and also very useful. I envy the lucky people who get your swag bags.

    Hm, my CAPTCHA codes are "tosionn diarrhea" - wonder if that is anything like tension diarrhea ?:D
