Tuesday, May 19, 2009

garden walk

Roger and I love to take day trips, so this past long weekend, we decided to be tourists in our own city and venture out to Minter Gardens, which is about a 90 minute drive away near the town of Chilliwack. It was nice to walk among the flowers in the beautiful sunshine... and it gave me an excuse to take pictures of all the nifty botanical displays... one of my faves being the 15 ft tall peacock statue with flowering tail. I think it would be a lot cooler if it was climbable though.... but, then again, I always get that climbing urge when I see giant animal sculptures.


  1. We are climbers, too! That's why Sedona is the perfect place for us to live! :0)

    Beautiful pictures!

  2. such a beautiful garden... i wish i had one like that :D

  3. great photos! thanks for sharing.

  4. Those gardens are beautiful. There was a garden down near San Antonio, TX that had a huge peacock too, and it was always my fave. :)

  5. That peacock is magnificent, you are so very lucky to have that just a drive away! :)

  6. This is making me homesickly. I loved doing that when I lived in B.C. (the day trip thing, I mean). Your photos are gorgeous. Climbing would be too fun!

  7. Wow...nice photos. Makes me want to hop in the car. :)

  8. What a cool place to go walking, I love going to the botanical gardens around Texas.

  9. Lovely. Don't you love this time of year?

  10. oh, me too! i always want to be on that looks like a giraffe.
