Thursday, June 25, 2009

señor sonburro

I couldn't resist posting these pics, since they are so darned cute... and I wanted everyone to have an "awwwwwwwww" moment today; and I mean "awwwwwwwww" in the cute sense, and not in the "disappointment" sense... well unless you hate cute fuzzy donkeys, in which case you wll be highly disappointed. We saw these two on our way home from strawberry picking, and my hubby stopped the car to go feed them some grass through the fence. I had to nickname one of them Señor Sonburro... I don't know why, it just seemed fitting. And yes, I know it's a bad pun that attempts to allude to "sombrero", but whatever, the donkey didn't complain.

On a quick side note - thanks to the following blogs for passing on the lovely blog award this past week (Intrigued, Indie Style Blog, Latherati Soap Foundry, Pretty {much} Art, Scarlett Design and My Name Is Michael I Got A Nickel) - I have already done a past posting about the Lovely Blog Award, so check out my list of fifteen here, if you already haven't.


  1. These adorable donkeys maybe could be subject in one of your next pieces? They seem too sweet to resist....

  2. Oh my! What fuzzy goodness. I want one, puleeeeze! xo

  3. They are very cute!! Definitely AWWWW in a good way.

  4. Awwww is right! These little farts are too cute.

  5. Definitely an awwwwwww moment. I love donkeys!

    Congrats on the awards :)

  6. Love that picture, it makes me want to get some donkeys for my farm.

  7. They cool Donkeys...I have not seen Donkeys around here for ages!

  8. Awwwww! What adorable donkeys! :-)

  9. They are so adorable. Love their doos. :)

  10. Cute leetle donkeys! :) What a fun post!

    - Shannon from

  11. Who wouldn't love these aodrable donkeys! They look so nice to cuddle. haha. Definitely 'Awwwwwwwww'.


  12. I want both of these as pets and I also want them in my backyard. That's how cute they are. They remind me of Tina from Napoleon Dynamite.

  13. I LOVE donkeys and my 4 year old's room is covered in them. She is obsessed! Such a cute picture! I love it!

  14. Uh oh - I'm in love. But will they fit on the end of the bed?

  15. *Shudders*
    I was kicked in the face and bit in the back by a donkey...but thats a great photo ;)
