This past weekend, Roger and I ventured to the MOV (Museum of Vancouver) to check out the new Velo-City exhibit, an exhibition of the bicycle revolution in Vancouver. On our way in, we got a tad sidetracked by the giant chalkboard wall the museum had... we couldn't resist adding our own tags to the hundreds of others. This photo of Roger reminded me of that old cartoon Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings... one of my faves when I was a wee one... does anyone else remember it?.. maybe it was only on in Canada and the UK? Click here to see an episode.
i wanted to let you know that i wrote up your giveaway on my blog (, but i didn't want to cheat by posting it in the giveaway comments (i already entered!)
Love that show and Roger in that photo really does remind me of it too. My husband said he saw it when he was a kid too and he is from here in America. We always sing the theme song together while I draw things with our best (ok we kinda suck at it) British accents. xo
I never saw the show but there was a weird Donald Duck cartoon about Mathland. There was a lot of chalk in that one. Have you ever bought 'chalkboard in a spray can'? I heard they even make magnetic ones now!
How cool! I've never heard of it, but I've seen the funny parody sketch of it on SNL. Mike Meyers would be sitting in the bathtub with whoever the SNL guest was that night, and they'd sing a funny version of that song and goof around :) Chalk art is so much fun :)
So cool! We had a tunnel on the college campus at NC State that was dedicated to graffiti. It looked the same way, only in a million colors. The picture of Roger totally took me back . . . sigh!
This totally rules!! What a killer photo. I never saw the show growing up, but I do remember the SNL skits. I miss museums. Closest one is an hour away. How freakin' nutso is that?
My name is Valerie and I live in Vancouver, Canada. I have my own little company called Cabin + Cub where I work as a freelance designer and also create artsy and crafty items. I love drawing, making collages, cooking, snowboarding and traveling. My blog space is a place I love to share my work, everyday adventures, daily musings and inspirations. Thanks for visiting!
Oh that is so cool! I wonder what people wrote on there? All sorts of scrawls and secrets and stories. How fun!
Very cool!
Brings back a child hood memory :-)
Fantastic image from your day. :)
i wanted to let you know that i wrote up your giveaway on my blog (, but i didn't want to cheat by posting it in the giveaway comments (i already entered!)
how cool! i love big pieces of art that everyone can be a part of. it's so fun to see what people add to it!
Love hands on exhibits and interactive exhibits. How fun !
Vancouver is on our list of vacation spots!
Love that show and Roger in that photo really does remind me of it too. My husband said he saw it when he was a kid too and he is from here in America. We always sing the theme song together while I draw things with our best (ok we kinda suck at it) British accents. xo
I never saw the show but there was a weird Donald Duck cartoon about Mathland. There was a lot of chalk in that one. Have you ever bought 'chalkboard in a spray can'? I heard they even make magnetic ones now!
I so want to make my own wall now -- I have a lot of angst I could unleash with a piece of chalk.
How cool! I've never heard of it, but I've seen the funny parody sketch of it on SNL. Mike Meyers would be sitting in the bathtub with whoever the SNL guest was that night, and they'd sing a funny version of that song and goof around :) Chalk art is so much fun :)
that sounds like a great museum! I will have to check it out when I finally made that trip to BC
Oh wow sounds kool! Though I'm a tad too far to come and see it .....
Holy cow! That looks awesome!
I would love to see that exhibit!
So cool! We had a tunnel on the college campus at NC State that was dedicated to graffiti. It looked the same way, only in a million colors. The picture of Roger totally took me back . . . sigh!
This totally rules!!
What a killer photo.
I never saw the show growing up,
but I do remember the SNL skits.
I miss museums. Closest one is an hour away. How freakin' nutso is that?
well you know my name is Simon, and the things I draw come true! I used to LOVE that little show!
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