With back to school just around the corner, it seemed fitting to have another notebook giveaway... awwww yahhhh! And even if you aren't in school and haven't been in years... why not make the neighborhood kids jealous by toting this fancy deer notebook around. Imagine all the things you could write... shopping lists, short stories, gangsta rap lyrics, wiccan spells, tic-tac-toe, dear john letter.... really the list is endless, people.
Enter to win by posting a comment telling me what your favorite subject in school was/is... perhaps it was math? english? cheerleading? smoking behind the fence? I'll make a random draw from the fabulous trophy cup on Monday, August 24th. Please remember to include some contact info (etsy shop, blog, website, or e.mail address) and please only one entry per person.
Good luck and be sure to check back next Monday to see if you won!
I'd say Boys,(LOL) I loved Science and Playing Basketball too. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite class in high school was my newspaper class. I was editor of the monthly campus paper and I must have really liked it because now I'm a reporter for a major newspaper!
Fantastic notebook - very eye-catching. Beautiful blog, as well.
My favorite subject in school was marketing class.
such an adorable notebook!
My favorite subject was actually math with a close second of ceramics. I especially liked Algebra. I always felt like math was an entire class dedicated to figuring out puzzles. I loved it!
Another GREAT giveaway. This is super cute!
My fave subject was definitely math - though I ended up in art/english fields. Strange.
I enjoyed studying a bit of boys too :)
forgot email!
anna.deleo@gmail.com :)
ooh, awesome giveaway! My favorite subject was history followed closely by Mass Media (which mostly involved sleeping)....
I had an interior design class in high school. That was so fun!
I was also in an honors program art class that you could only take at the invitation of the art instructor. We could sculpt, paint, make pottery or jewelry. We had access to so many different types of techniques and mediums. It was AWESOME!
I love your shop and your blog!
I loved English...you could lose yourself in writing and forget about everything...
Art by a country mile, just loved it, also English Literature. In the sixth form there were only two of us who studied art in my year we got treated to trip out in our art teachers car to galleries, just great!
Best wishes Sam x
I was such a geek. English literature was my favorite. I adored reading all those books!
In school I loved English. I actually loved it when we got to write papers on a topic of our choice. Yes, I am a nerd, and proud of it!
Physics! We got to blow things up, play with fire, and even watched our teacher break a cinder block on a student's chest with a sledgehammer while they lied on a bed of nails. So cool!
All of my neighbors will be jealous of this notebook, no doubt about that.
OH I love this! My favorite subject in school was definitely art class, I always looked forward to that period when I got to get my hands dirty, break out the paint brushes!
: )
Awwww...Those deer are just so dear!...lol
Does Recess count as a course in school? We learned how to share and play together at recess!
Ok - guess not.
Then I guess I would have to pick reading.
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail.com
I worked as a library assistant my senior year.. It counted as a class credit and I got to sit around and play on the internet. By far.. the best class ever!
I was such a nerd in high school. I loved anything math or science related....probably because I was good at it. Considering I was also a perfectionist, I really didn't like anything I didn't excel at.
I am a NERD is school.. My favorite subject was MATHS :D
Cute blog :)
God Bless
(woah! had to delete last comment for major typos hahaha)
I think one of my top favorites was Oceanography class. We got to take an awesome trip to the Fl Keys every year and went to a cool "Sea camp". I considered marine biology/oceanography as a major in college but ended up with a degree in Sociology! hehe!
I loved my architectural drawing class!
Math!!!! I'm wierd, I know it, but I love math.
And I just love that notebook, thanks for the chance to win it!!
I taught English, so that should give you a clue. LOL
That notebook is gorgeous! Thanks for the awesome contest.
My favorite subject was acting! I lived in the drama room for my HS years.
Love it. My favourite class was English. (I adore writing) xo
my favorite were always my science classes. especially chemistry in high school. i know...nerd alert!
I loved French and math. I wish I could remember most of the French I took but at least I still remember some. ^_^
Thanks for the chance to win. ^_^
great giveaway!
My favorite subject in school was art!! My art teacher was awesomee!!
thanks again!!!
Thanks for the contest! In school I very much loved French and actually became a very good speaker.
I love this notebook! Ok, favorite subject- that's a hard one... I'm going to say math. No, I'm changing that to english. Ugh, I can't decide, but it was one of those two!
My favorite was Biology. I loved dissecting! I'm weird, I know. :P
Our favorite class in school was art and math. Nice notebook.
I was a math geek :) Still love #s to this day!
What a pretty giveaway my fingers are crossed that I win I collect deer stuff especially pretty items.My favourite item in school was art because I was good at it and enjoyed creating im very artsy fartsy.Helen
thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite subject in high school was Journalism; I was editor of the high school yearbook.
laura at letiecq dot org
One of my favorite classes in college was called Symbol, Ritual, Myth. We spent the entire quarter learning about eastern religion and visiting temples of all sorts. My favorite "field trip" was to a Tibetan Monastery in the Seattle area. The high ceiling was painted like clouds with mandalas and there were brightly colored pillows all over the floor, huge statues three times my height, I was in awe!
You can convo me via my Etsy shop The Lost Earring :)
My favorite class, hhmmm, could it be break time? No seriously if I had to pick one it would be biology. I'm not a smoker but I used to sit at the back of the class striking matches to see if I could get away with it. :0)
My fave class in school was social studies. I still love to read about history and am fascinated about how we never learn from the past!
English Lit was my fave ;)
What a cool notebook!!
My favorite class in school was English. I was fortunate to always have wonderfuly versed English teachers, who made what could have been a very dull subject, interesting due to their personalities!
How did you know that my favorite subject was smoking outside the window..You totally are psychic! haha.
Alright, alright, it was English.
I am a spelling and grammar nerd, straight up.
I HATE MATH, because I have never used Algebra again. Don't mix your letters and numbers, folks..Its just not right.
Love the notebook!
Well, I was homeschooled, so I was allowed to pick all my own classes and curriculums. But I've always loved art. I can't think of the last point in my life when I wasn't taking an art class, and it has recently begun to pay off...
Jen of Guinevere Lynn Designs (GuinevereLynn on etsy and blogspot, GLDesigns on twitter, guineverelynn@dudleyzoo.org on email)
Oh, I loved art! And playing back row on the volleyball team. (I was too short to spike!!)
Cute notebook!
my favorite is definitely art!
My favorite subject was band. Kind of a nerd here.
My favorite was Either English or Spanish. Thanks so much!
ENGLISH!!!!! i love the way books smell :-)
My favourite subject was always English/Language Arts because I loved writing. And I still do!!
Please enter my name in your draw.
I use a lot of notebooks and this is about the nicest one I've seen!!!!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
Art, art, art & more art. The only reason for even going to school... in my opinion! ;)
I want the notebook! MOLLY
My favorite subject in school was always Art, now I am interested in so much....
I just saw a deer and her two fawn in the park, what a beautiful sight! This notebook is just wonderful to remind me of how the deer will grow up...I think I'd fill it with inspiring thoughts and Irish blessings....
Oh I love writing and I love deer! My favorite subject always has and will be English! and art! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
In highschool I loved math and hated english. In college it was a complete 180, i couldn't not take enough english classes.
Music theory and economics were amazing. I wish I could take them again!
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
Beautiful giveaway I want it.My favourite subject in high school was cooking I love to cook my favourite recipe we made in class was black forest cake yummy.Marian
This notebook is so gorgeous! My favorite subject in school was American History!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Hope I win this fabulous notebook!!!
My favorite subject was....english, especially in 12th grade, read every single assigned book and loved them!
Exciting! My favourite time was when we had a free period - we would go to our common room and drink ridiculously strong coffee with far too much sugar :D
I liked Spanish class! loved it!
History for me, even though I'm not studying it any more.
Thanks for the giveaway - awesome notebook!
Creative Writing and Literature.
I wanted to peel the words off the page, place them in my pocket, and feel comforted knowing they were jumbling about in there all day.
Such was my introduction to poetry.
<3 sarasophia
twitter i.d. @sarasophia
my favorite subject was always science. I LOVED biology and physiology - it just made so much sense! and it was interesting, to boot. unlike math, which neither made sense NOR was interesting. :)
It was definitely history. We hid under the desks one day, locked the door and turned off the classroom lights to make the teacher think she had the wrong classroom. The windows were tinted, so she couldn't see above desk level. Ah memories.
My favourite subject is Maths. It's hard sometimes but also challenging and fun. I love solving tricky Math problems.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I loved Science class. That's why in college I took up Chemistry!
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
Love the notebook! My favorite subject was choir in high school and art in college. Fine arts all the way! ;)
My favorite subject in school was English - I always got to do different assignments than others, because I did everything faster :)
I've always loved language arts. No matter what grade I was in, it was always one of my favorite classes. And art of course.
Trophy cup, please pick me!
History! Still my favorite subject, though I'm no longer in school. ;)
My favorite subject was Reading Novels, followed closely by Singing, Community Theater, and Handweaving. ^_^
amity dot mcginnis at gmail dot com
I'd have to say that French was my favourite, mainly 'cause I could just sit and draw, simultaneously making vocabulary notes... Textiles was pretty good too, since we just ended up sitting around knitting :D
Elysia :3
In high school my favorite subject was probably art class. I went to a Bible college and my favorite there was probably any old testament class.
Lovely notebook!!
Well, as a recent school returnee, my favorite recent class was Adobe Illustrator. In H.S., my favorite class was English - I read a lot!
my favourite subject was definitely... ART! especially in the last year of school when those of us doing our portfolios for entry into art school had our own room with no teachers to supervise!
here is my etsy shop in case I win:
I loved physics. Trying new things in the lab was the best part!
I was a big fan of Art History.
Oh, lets see, favorite subject...was math, then was english, was science for a little while...right now its probably my various management courses :)
Well my BEST subject was History. I never studied for a single history test in my whole life, and I would ace them everytime. But my FAVORITE had to be science. :D
I guess my favorite subject was art. We had a ceramics class at my high school and I really loved that.
If I win I'm going to doodle on every page!
My favorite class may have been Symphonic Band. Music, friends, and band trips. Woo!
Math; I went on to major in math and become a professional mathematician!
urchiken at gmail dot com
mine were english and math, and then later photography! :)
beautiful notebook!
Throughout grade school I took Art every chance I had. I was the first person in my middle school to be able to have two art classes in my schedule. I just took the same art class twice - and I loved it! I remember not wanting to leave my work on Fridays and although it would be the dreaded Monday I would at least have Art class to look forward to. Then in high school the AP class I took for college credit was Art! I have been creating art since I can remember and it has always been a part of my life.
- Lynsi
Throughout grade school I took Art every chance I had. I was the first person in my middle school to be able to have two art classes in my schedule. I just took the same art class twice - and I loved it! I remember not wanting to leave my work on Fridays and although it would be the dreaded Monday I would at least have Art class to look forward to. Then in high school the AP class I took for college credit was Art! I have been creating art since I can remember and it has always been a part of my life.
- Lynsi
Thanks for the chance to win! My favorites were music and math... kind of unrelated and kind of related at the same time :)
My favorite subject? Pff obviously art hahah!!
Kathleen McGiveron
I have a contest too on my blog!
My favorite subject? Lunch! No really, it was like all the classes rolled into one. The scientific puzzles of the mystery meat! The social study of larege groups of mixed-age cohorts in an unstructured environment! Language arts required to hold my groubd in same! The math-- oh man, the real-world math and economics of trading snacks! And the physical endurance challenge of keeping down mystery meat while hanging upside down from first monkey bars and later the HS Meeting Tree...lunch had it all!:D
I loved biology!! Insects, virus,... :DD
Thanks for the contest :)
Meninheira at gmail dot com
Love your work!! My favorite subject was English. Reading, writing and discussing :)
Thanks posting the fun give away!
My fav subject was ART! :D
my favorite topic in school was Mathematics :)
My favorite subject was science... I wanted to be a pharmaceutical engineer. Then I found art, and now I'm planning to major in metal arts when I head off to college. Quite a turn around!
My favorite subject was Chemistry. Yes...I was a nerd.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite subject in school was History!
Definitely art. By senior year I was in the art room three of four periods a day.
Art for sure! Loved lit. too though!
aliciamnieto at yahoo dot com
Art was absolutely my favorite subject in school.
design4less at yahoo dot com
My favorite school subject was history! We had a FABULOUS history teacher who made it fun, and we participated in state competitions as a class. That was fun! We took 30 kids to the state capitol for a 3 day weekend...missed some school, so it was great!
ooh, i love this notebook!
my favorite was art, hands down. i spent most of my days in the art room.
My favorite subject was always history. I just feel like it's such a valid aspect of study. But, everyone told me in high school that I should get into fashion, cuz i dressed weird. And now, I am working on my MA in the History and Culture of Fashion. Best of both worlds!!
abigail.lee {at} gmail.com
Photography was always my favorite (high school and college). I wish I could still sneak on campus and take those classes!!!
Hmm my favorite subject in school was chinese language, and the teacher happened to be my favorite one too.
I was always very good at math and spelling. Lovely giveaway thank you!
Favorite Subjects, French, Western Civ and boys. If soccer was a subject it would have been my #1..well that and the boys on the soccer team ;)
your lovely notebook would make my snore-fest coworkers think I'm wickely hip.
My favourite subjects are...
Um. Eh. Um. *can't think of one*
It's a tie between Art and Math. :3
That notebook's so pretty ^_^
I really loved biology and all of the visual art classes! We were fortunate enough to have great options like metal-smithing, photogrpahy, and ceramics!
Karen Ducey
fav subject in school was home-ec! (a little embarrassing, but i was meant to sew and cook!!) being a full time mom is not always easy!
When I was in high school Anatomy and Physiology was offered.
That was my favorite class/subject in the world.
Hence, why I'm in healthcare now :)
jepeuxetsy @ yahoo .com
LOL-smoking behind the fence!! I wish THAT had been my best subject at school.
I think art and craft were my best and favorite subject back then, including "art" on every other class aka doodling on your notebooks and not listening to the teachers. I made seriously great looking art during class, teachers' babbling is always a great source of inspiration :)
However, the notebook is soooo pretty I'd really want to own one, but then again, I might not be able to jot down my pen/pencil on it, I'm too scared I will ruin its beauty.
I was always a sucker for anything science! (I'm an RN, what can I say!). But also enjoyed art!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the notebook.
I loved world history - it was the way the class was taught. The teacher was dynamic, weaving stories in all the time, and chose interesting themes to cover - things he knew about / was passionate about... and the result was a very interested me.
jen DOT s DOT chandler AT gmail DOT com
favourite subject? in high school my favourite stand-out class was grade 13 literature, because of the subject and because of the teacher.
but i'll give an honourable mention to phys ed because of the dreamiest boy. ah - gym love. ;-)
My favorite class was Art. I could spend the whole day in that classroom.
Always Art!! Lovely notebook!
Great notebook! My favorite class was music, have played guitar almost 30 yrs now and giving lessons for 18 yrs. Thanks!
Love that notebook! so stylish. my fave subject in highschool was art. we had a pretty kooky teacher but he was super talented.
thanks for the chance!
lesley.stenning [at] gmail.com
My favorite subject in school was US History. My teacher spent an entire semester on the JFK assassination/conspiracy theories.
My favorite subject was History. I really learned from that class!great notebook! Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
What an adorable notebook...love it...my favourite subject was....ART!!!!
I love anything Sociology - I enjoy watching the dynamics of groups...
jswandrn @ gmail.com
My favorite subject is art! Ceramics to be specific. Although I've yet to meet an art class that I haven't enjoyed.
My favorite subject was shop. It was alot more fun and required no studying!
Definitely Art class. Though, P.E. was fun too.
Mine was politics for sure. Mainly because my politics teacher was this ace old guy who repaired guitars in his spare time and bought us a bottle of wine for the last day of class! (I'd like to point out that because it was at college we were all of age)
Mine was Chemisry and yes...I ended up becoming a mad scientist!;)Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!;)
Mine was English. Love the notebook!
My favorite class in high school
was history!
I loved English Literature...it was the only subject I ever excelled in!
My favorite was english because I got away with doodling in that class <3
My fave was english!
omg love it!! hope I'm not too late! smoking behind the fence -lol- young and stupid:D but I do adore the notebook! too cute:)
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