1. cub salad
I am truly hoping someone was trying to make cobb salad and not a salad out of actual cute little cubs.
2. the art of gathering meat with birds
Perhaps this is an ancient lost art that someone is trying to revive. My question is how do you get the meat from the birds, once they have it all... are they known to share?
3. can i have snoopy tattoo?
I don't know... can you?
4. yodel club vancouver
Yodel-lay-he--hooooooo! I didn't know one even existed!
5. how old is a cub woman who still party
Ok.. what is a cub woman? Anyone? Is that opposite of a cougar? Someone please enlighten me.
6. burning birds
I am scared of who typed this in. Are you the same person who makes cub salads? Or is this what you do after the birds have collected you some meat?... (which, btw, would make you quite ungrateful indeed).
ps. remember to enter the august giveaway!
Ahhhh, I needed a laugh and your comments gave me mopre than I!
I need to go look at the keywords for mine. I have not done so lately! Maybe they will make me laugh too!
That's hysterical! I love your collage girls :D
nice collage!
Very interesting! I should go check mine out :)
Okay you are the funniest girl ever...I read those with your comments to my husband and we giggled so hard my tummy hurts! I love this! You are great! xoxo
oh my god - these are hilarious. such a good laugh from this list. i hope the search for "collage girls" keep 'em coming (presumably people who didn't go to "collage") and i might just have to look up that yodeling club. ;-)
These are hysterical, but your commentary makes them more so! Love it.
Seriously? Every time you post these, I crack up. How to gather meat with birds??? Hahaha.
That made me giggle!
Isn't it crazy the things that come up... some of those are down right hilarious!!
Thanks for sharing!
Hahaha!! I love these kinds of posts.
My weird searches come in waves. Lately it's been really boring things like "pamperingbeki" and "jewelry". Blah. But then the bizarre searches will come back for a few weeks. It always goes that way.
Oh my gosh, I really needed to read that. You actually had me laughing out loud at the computer screen!
these are HILARIOUS! makes me want to look at mine!
ROFL! Oh wow... that is awesome & disturbing all at once... ;)
lol thats hilarious! it is sooo odd sometimes the keywords that come up! too funny!
Try being Fancy Pants sometimes.
Your post was funny.
You are a riot!
That's awesome! I love your interpretations; they make me laugh!
Very cool idea!
Don't you sometimes wonder if the Google people actually just make up those bizarre keywords that they claim people used to get to your site? That's what I always think.
You're samples and commentary are just too hilarious!
The best laugh I've had in a few days!
That was hilarious. Put a big smile on my face!!!
That is too funny, too bizarre!
Hahaha Cub Salad?!!! And that burning birds one is a bit worrying, lol. How funny!
And the collage is great!
Those are too funny, thanks for the giggle. :0)
"the art of gathering meat with birds"
That one slays me.
My husband recently googled grilled pork LION instead of LOIN. He took a good kidding for that one. My mom always called my girlie parts my "bird", so maybe someone had an issue they were try to solve by searching "burning bird"...teehee.
Hilarious!!! I remember hearing that people who have trouble spelling are very creative. However, I also think people who have trouble spelling just have trouble spelling ;)
Love your art and your blog! I'll be visiting often!
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