Wednesday, July 8, 2009

collage girls in shower

Sounds geeky, but I love checking out my Google Analytics once in awhile to see the list of strange search keywords people type in and that end up at this website. Here are 5 great ones for this week and my 2 cents (*please note that I kept their original spellings intact, to keep their integrity)... oh and the old 90s collage is just for visual accompaniment (I thought its randomness matches well with this odd list):

1. collage girls in shower (also: collage girl in water, collage girls photo while rain danc,
It must be such a disappointment for anyone typing these words in and finding actual collages made by a girl, rather than a bunch of "college" girls having showers. I think it must be seen as punishment for poor spellers looking for a good time. And to anyone who did type that in and is still reading or following this blog... thanks?!

2. girls loves balloons
Yes they do.

3. abut a beaver
Not sure what to make of this one... could be innocent and the person forgot the "o" in "abut"... or could be creepy and the person forgot the extra "t" in "but" and space after the first "a"

4. art therapy rain cloud
This sounds amazing... I want to find this magical cloud too. 

5. george strombopolous' garden
Ok, I am a big fan of George Strombopolous (from The Hour) and so awesome that he has a garden. George, if that was you googling - I love your show - hmm.. but I guess you wouldn't be googling yourself and your garden, so never mind... but if you are... I'm a big fan!

These are just a few of the many strange keywords... the list could go on awhile... so I will post some more soon!


FishStikks said...

Haha strange indeed. It's amazing how some keywords manage to get people into your shop.

Loving your list!

hy said...

oh my GOODNESS! that is so funny! collage girls rule! lol~

Kate8085 said...

#1 and #3..
Um, what?
What a bunch of creeps. hahaha.

Holly said...

Haha, how funny! I think "art therapy rain cloud" is my favorite. :-)

M.M.E. said...

that is awesome! i'm going to have to go check out mine now.

Unknown said...

Holy smokes this is hilarious! And if people searched for college girls in shower and then started following your blog... that's even stranger. Hahaha.

Stephanie of Pretty {much} Art said...

Haha! Awesome. I'm going to go check my Analytics!

amanda said...

bahaa! so funny! man, good stuff. there are some creepers out there. beware. the person who was still following you after searching something weird probably blushed when he read this post.

Vivi said...

This is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Who knew that your blog was not only art and design porn?

Anonymous said...

hahaha i'm totally going to post mine on my blog now. too funny.

Art by Trina said...

Those are great! Collage girls are my fave :)

Grace said...

Hilarious! I'm going to go have to check my analytics...

Christie Cottage said...

Yes, the search words are crazy! I look at mien too and think, what????


Anonymous said...

haa haaa haa!!! it is very entertaining isn't it??? those are classic!!!

belinda marshall said...

aren't people creepy and funny!
they either don't know or care that their searches are 'public'!!
i get a few pervy ones too, i guess the blog name doesn't help!, it's worth collecting these :)

Farah said...

that is very very strange....hmmmm.....

Art by Trina said...

I want to get to know my commenters so...
You have been tagged! Come by my blog for more information!

found paper co. said...

Haha, thanks for a good laugh! I too am sometimes amazed at the keywords I find in Google Analytics.

Stephanie Kim said...

haha this is funny! im going to do it too!

First Light Glass said...

Those are hilarious!

readingsully2 said...

What fun, Valerie.

Kellybot said...

Oh I looooove looking at the kooky things people google, and then wondering what they thought when it landed them on my blog. Good game.

woolies said...

ewwww @ the creepy ones!

Chrisy said...

Gosh we're strange creatures aren't we!

Kat said...

I have carousel pony as one of mine... and I make guitar pick jewelry! What the heck?! :D

The Musical Kitten

Unknown said...

HA! that's too funny!!

i'm curious now about george's garden. i met him once when i was at muchmusic and he didn't seem like the gardening type. hm!

Sharon said...

Hilarious! There must be some disappoint frat boys out there, huh?

I've wondered about strange search terms on GA as well.

Sharon said...

I meant to say: disappointed frat boys. (At least that's what one hopes they are.)