Wednesday, September 8, 2010

farm friends

Some more pics from our adventure at the PNE... these are of all the farm friends we encountered that day. Kissing horses (or maybe they are gossiping?) and snotty giant cows (someone get this guy a giant tissue!)... they are all pretty cute, nasal secretions and all.


  1. LOL I think you'd need a bedsheet for that cow's nose! LOL


  2. I love the horses, although given the ears I think they might be having a frenemies kind of moment :p looks like fun, runny noses and all!

  3. Love horses and cows. Those snotty nose cows are so white! Pretty. Well, as pretty as cows come anyway.

  4. awww those white cows are so pretty.

    I was really sad to miss the PNE this year. I love the silly chickens they have

  5. Hmm, could be allergies. Maybe an allergy to hay ?
    Yes the horses do seem to be whispering about something...could they be gossiping about the cow with the runny nose? :)

  6. That first photo of the horses is so cute :)

  7. That first one is especially sweet.

  8. Beautiful photos! Makes you feel young again! :)

  9. Love those animal shots. I know a lot of horse lovers that would love to see those.
