Monday, October 3, 2011

my little pumpkin

We went to the local farm on the weekend to pick up some fresh local veggies and were pleasantly reminded that pumpkin season has started! I refrained from getting one this early, since there is nothing grosser than possible rotting gourds sitting on our balcony, not to mention the added task of having to keep it away from one very curious toddler. So it was decided that pumpkin picking will have to wait a couple more weeks in this household. Jasper did get to have a practice run though... the whole time we were there, he insisted on trying to sit on every single one... perhaps he was playing musical pumpkins in his head.


  1. oh your little pumpkin is the cutest of all :)

  2. Oh my how your "little pumpkin" has grown. Jasper should really enjoy Halloween this year. Please be sure to post a photo of him in his Halloween costume.

  3. I didnt realize they were ripe already. My boys love going to pick them. I will have to schedule a trip now.

  4. What a very serious job it must be to sit on every pumpkin there is to be seen! Does Jasper smile when he has a photo taken - or is this his "photographic" face? If so, he's starting early: what is it with men, that they put on a special look when a camera is pointed their way?

  5. WOW! Jasper is growing up so quickly :) Of course he has to sit on all of them, you know that is a requirement, He! He! :)

    Have a lovely evening, T. :)

  6. Cute! I love going to the pumpkin patch. We are holding off a lil longer too. We did just go apple picking though, it was so fun!

  7. This is too precious. There is something about little ones in a pumpking patch! They get such a kick out of being there and the pumpkins look so big next to them.
