Wednesday, October 5, 2011

tarts and celebrities

A tasty treat the other night to celebrate the 'ol birthday... nothing like a cute lemon tart topped with a little chocolate ladybug. While on the topic of birthdays, I thought I would do a google search to see what famous celebrities I share my b-day with (yes, I am procrastinating a bit right now). Here are 10 (in random order):

1. Ashlee Simpson (hmmm, not off to a good start here)
2. Seann William Scott (aka Stifler from American Pie... dude!)
3. Neve Campbell (from Party of 5... I never really got into this show, who's next...)
4. Kevin Richardson (aka, the guy with the eyebrows from Backstreet Boys)
5. Gwen Stefani (ok, my list is improving...)
6. Clive Owen (...getting better...)
7. Tommy Lee (hmmm... darn, my list is sliding again)
8. Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac is a bit before my time, but my mom liked them)
9. Roy Horn (aka Roy of Siegfried & Roy, aka the one that was attacked by the tiger... eek!)
10. Chubby Checker (had to end with this one to give the list a nice "twist")


  1. ha ha, great list, you are in some interesting company :)

    happy birthday!!

  2. Happy Birthday!! :D
    That is the cutest tart! hope you have a lovely day! (along with Chubby Checker and co! hehe) x

  3. Happy Birthday! You do share it with some interesting celebs - I would say half good, half bad :)

  4. That's fun...never thought of doing that.

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Nice looking tart! Happy Birthday. I really like the "about you" section on your blog. TFS
