Tuesday, December 13, 2011

far away snow day

There is no snow here in Vancouver yet, but I thought I would share a snow day photo we had a few weeks ago up in our friend's cabin, near 100 Mile House (about 500km north of Vancouver). This was Jasper's first time playing in snow... which consisted mostly of walking tentatively from point A to point B, and a few bum drops here and there.


  1. My niece and her family live a little further up the road aat 150 Mile House - so if there was snow where you were, doubtless she's up to her eyeballs in the white stuff too.

    We're being forecast our version in the UK (It's getting increasingly frequent these days, alas - we left Alberta in 1987 to escape it!) in the next few days.

    Happy Christmas to you all, though!

  2. Agree with the cute picture. Can't wait for SNOW!

    following you from blogging buddies

  3. How sweet. It's always fun to see a little ones reaction
    to their first snow. Cute picture.

  4. Adorable. Wonder what he is thinking. Children are so very precious.
