Friday, December 16, 2011

pine fresh

The house is smelling pine fresh... or should I say, fir fresh? We went and got our Christmas tree this week... a little 6' noble fir. And as you can see we have thrown on every decoration we inherited from our parents and grandparents on to this thing... my anti-Martha tree, as I like to refer to it. I think the 70's tinsel garlands are my favourite touch.


  1. That looks really wonderful - love to see old decorations being re-used.

    Have a lovely Christmas celebration and my Little One enjoy it too - pics of him would seem to indicate that this one will really mean something to him, whereas the others may have been a bit of a mystery!

    Look forward to a post on his reaction - Christmas really is about little children, isn't it? We adults just share it!

  2. It's so pretty! I like that kind of decoration too. It's a lot more fun and personal than the "martha way" haha

  3. Your tree is lovely and at 6' it makes our tiny 38" faux pine look not only dinky but rather sickly.

    I tried to talk my hubby into getting a live tree, one about 6 feet tall but he just rolled his eyes, his way of saying "Are you crazy?" lol

  4. Your Christmas tree looks wonderful, and I love the garland too! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.
    Everyday Inspired

  5. Stumbled upon your it!

    And compared to the fake little Charlie Brown tree I've got in my kitchen, this is so Martha. :D
