Monday, February 27, 2012

lost in the snow

Fresh soft powder, snow capped trees, brisk winds, gondola rides, and one lost cell phone in the snow. Our trip to Whistler was packed full of fun (and phone fiasco). I was a bit rusty, since it has been three years since I have been on a snowboard, but it slowly started to come back (yes, that is me in the photo). Returned home to find out the next day that someone indeed found my phone. Hooray! Hope you had a good weekend as well. ;)

ps. don't forget to enter my February giveaway here!


  1. Snow and the family don't really mix! When we were in Alberta, if the girls were sledding, or snow-shoeing or whatever - they seemed to find the only tree not visible and connect with it. I dreaded the white stuff - and still do, although the girls are now adults in their late 30's and early 40's respectivel!

  2. Ha! Looks like a way to have some fun in the snow - minus the losing the phone part!
    : )

  3. Oh wow! Look at all the snow! I haven't been to the snow in forever...Looks like some fun. =)
    visiting today from Blogging Buddies

  4. Beautiful photography of the snow.

    And hooray indeed ... so glad you your phone was found. I bet that was a wonderfully pleasant surprise. :)

  5. It's probably not the same as remembering how to ride a bike...but it looks like alot of fun!

  6. i love fresh powder! I just got back from a snow trip tooooo... and I can say-- the trip was not long enough! cant wait to go back. =)

    Looks like you had lots of fun =)

  7. Looks like you had a lot of fun snowboarding! I hope everything worked out with your phone.
    Everyday Inspired

  8. Wow, it's amazing you can do this. I would never ever even step foot on one of those! Plus, I'm always freezing, so I'm not really a snow girl (at all). lol. You are awesome!
