Wednesday, February 22, 2012

tiny buds

Could this be? Magnolia buds that I see on my street! Hooray! I am counting down the days to spring... each one of us in this house has had a cold at different intervals... (currently, it is the baby's turn)... sigh. I can't wait for t-shirt weather... I'll even settle for light jacket weather! ;)

ps. don't forget to enter my February giveaway here!


  1. That seems a bit early for magnolia - but your equivalent of The Gulf Stream that goes past the west coast of the UK is a helpful agent in these matters. Cannot remember what it's called (having senior moments too often these days!) Still, glad you're having such encouraging signs.

    We've got snowdrops showing and some daffs. But we've got rain and high winds forecast for the next few days - although that's usually a March phenomenon hereabouts, so maybe we're having an early Spring too!


  2. Oh poor baby, I hope Jasper feels better soon.

    Yeh, can you believe that the blossoms are out already, I am amazed but the chill they are threatening next week may slow things down a bit :(

    Waiting for Spring in my overcoat, He! He!

    Have a lovely Thursday, cheers, T. :)

  3. We are starting to see buds too. It's a little early, but I can't wait for those warm and sunny days.
    Everyday Inspired

  4. Ooh, this makes me happy! We've had a few days of premature spring here, and I am on pins and needles for the real thing!

  5. This has been quite the year for illness! I've heard of entire schools being shut down due to a flu epidemic! Let's just keep our eyes on the spring time coming just around the corner!
    from Blogging Buddies

  6. Hi Isobel! I love my Magnolia tree. It won't be budding for a little while longer, please share your pictures of your first bloom.


  7. It should be lovely when the buds open. Hope your little man, Jasper, is feeling better.

    Fortunately we've had a very mild winter down here in Florida. Our little lemon and lime trees suffered no frost damage. Have my fingers crossed that we don't get a surprise early spring frost.
