Enter to win by posting a comment telling me what your favourite children's book is.... is it classic Winnie the Pooh?... or maybe you were an advanced reader and loved War And Peace?... or maybe you liked Where's Waldo and are still trying to find him to this day. Oh so many great titles to choose from! And yes, if you haven't guessed, I am hoping to get some ideas from all your lovely comments/entries for building little Bun's library... so feel free to list more than one book if you like.... don't be shy!
There will be a random draw from the shiny trophy cup on Monday, March 29th... so check back to see if you won! Please remember to include some sort of contact info (etsy shop, blog, website, or e.mail address) and please only one entry per person. Good luck to everyone!
I always loved the book But No Elephants. I'm not sure what attracted me to the book but it was definitely a favorite.
I'm also having a giveaway here:
Nice giveaway!
My favorite children's books growing up were Nancy Drew Mysteries. I even started writing my own mystery story!
I can be contacted through my Etsy shop
Check out my blog giveaway!
Very cool giveaway!!
Favorite book is 'Runaway Bunny' by Margaret Wise Brown. (love her 'Goodnight Moon' as well) Runaway Bunny was given to me by my own mother when I was 16. We were having a rough year and it was her little reminder to me that she loved me.
I read it to my little kiddos all the time.
Oooo...I favorited these little gems already! Love 'em.
One of my favorite books as a tween was "The House on Hackman's Hill" I liked spooky, scary stuff :)
chaosstar99 at hotmail dot com
Oh! I'd LOVE to have these!!
My favorites were Socks for Supper, The Strange Disappearance of Chester Cats, and yes, But No Elephants! (I can't believe someone else knows that book!) :)
My favorite was Jellybeans for Breakfast. I got it through a Scholastic Bookfair order form and just loved it, read it over and over.
As a child I really enjoyed Scott McDowell's "Island of the Blue Dolphins." I generally liked books about people stranded on islands and fending for themselves through their own creativity.
So hard to choose just one Childrens book; I have a small collection from both my childhood & just because I adore the art/stories.
For sentimental-sake, I say Garbage Delight by Dennis Lee (as my original 1977 copy sits within easy peeking-sight).
I love your bookplates! :)
My favorite book as a kid was "I wish I had Duck Feet" - a lesser known Dr. Seuss book (authored as "Theo LeSeig") about a kid who wishes to change all these crazy things about himself and then in the end, realizes that he's good just being himself. I am in my late 20s and my mom can still recite most of the book from memory. I am on my 3rd copy (which I received from my parents for high school graduation).
awesome giveaway!
when i was little i loved the giving tree by shel silverstein
I loved "The Horse in Harry's Room" by Syd Hoff.
Puleeeeeeeze pick me...
me.....c'mon... just pick me already;)!! xoxo
(Have a sunshiney week...if that is possible this time of year in Van!!)
Oh, I loved Dr. Seuss and Richard Scarry when I was really little. These book plates are adorable.
mabjewelry from etsy
My favorite growing up was Chronicles of Narnia. My baby is only 18 months, so our favorite right now IS winnie the pooh! We read it all the time. =)
Thanks for the chance to win! I love the bookplates and have hearted you on etsy!
Charity - www.lilhipsters.etsy.com
You have the best giveaways! Those bookplates are adorable. My favorite books were (hard to pick I read a LOT when I was a kid) Black Beauty and Smoky The Cowhorse. Yes, I was horse-obsessed :)
As I child I loved the box car children books.
Nice blog!
I liked Where the Sidewalk Ends. the poems were captivating. I also liked the Poems of A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)
Yay! These are great :)
My favorite kid's book,...well I taught preschool for 6 years so I have many favorites! I love Eric Carle books--the illustrations are so colorful and unique, and kids love the simplicity of the stories. My favorite is Mister Seahorse because it's all about how male seahorse care for their young. My dad raised me, so that one really hits home :)
I also have to mention another favorite called What Was I Scared Of? It's a lesser known Dr. Seuss book and I LOVE it. It's so much fun to read, even over and over again--and kids love the rhythm and poetry of it. It also teaches a great lesson.
Okay, looks like I've written you a novella. Crossing my fingers! Thanks.
When i was younger, my faves were the giving tree and the fox and the hound. as an adult, my favorite kid's books include click, clack, moo: cows that type, the boy who grew flowers, verdi, and olive, the other reindeer.
:) good luck with your library!
Love bookplates. These are adorable!
I'm too old to remember mine. But for the kiddos, I always Richard Scary, and so did they. :)
Oh these are adorable! My favourite book when I was younger was Tom's Midnight Garden. I used to read so much now I think about it. Really need to get back into the habit. Maybe these book plates would help!
Great giveaway! My favorite books were by Dr. Seuss especially Green Eggs & Ham! That Sam is a pill!
i have always loved good night moon...i read it to all of my kids over and over and over...
Cute idea for the comments. Here are my favorites from when I was little:
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, James and The Giant Peach,
The Jolly Postman,
Pippi Longstocking,
Where The Sidewalk Ends,
Frog and Toad,
The Giving Tree,
To name a few..
oops and this is how you can get in touch with me:
o, sign me up!
my absolute favorite is Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney who also did the lovely illustrations. i've tried to do the same things as the girl in the book i loved it so much and actually, it still ranks among my five favorite books today!
I loved the old Nancy drew books, and 'Choose your own adventure' books!
my fav kids books when i was little were scary stories to tell in the dark. and matilda by roald dahl.
I always loved "The Little Engine That Could" especially the way my mother said "I think I can." My 5 year old son really enjoys "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Green Eggs and Ham" Thanks!
you can get at me through my etsy shop here:
or my blog here
Miss Suzy's Treehouse was one of my favorite books as a child. I'd love to own a copy of it today. Here's a link: http://bit.ly/aDnLW7
Fingers crossed for your giveaway, I'm at smacvision [at] gmail dot com
as a little girl i loved 'Milly Molly Mandy' and wanted to live in their sweet little village and be friends!!
My mother used to read us the stories from the Book of favorite Bible Stories. I loved them all!!
Cool cards : )
my favorite children's book is a tie between
"The Wizard of Op" by Ed Emberley
"The Rainbow Goblins" by Ul De Rico
both of which have awesome visuals!
It was The Little Prince. When I was in the 2nd year of elementary school, my teacher gave it to me as a birthday gift, and it was so lovely (especially the part with the sheep). Only later on did I understand the true meaning behind a lot of things, and it did not lose it's magic. Actually, the exact opposite. :)
I can be contacted through so.kitsch (at) gmail.com.
My favorite books were the "Little House" series. My aunt gave me the books over the course of a couple years - one for a birthday, the next for Christmas, etc. I was so enchanted by the stories that I'm actually reading a biography about Laura Ingalls Wilder right now (A Writer's Life by Pamela Smith Hill). I'm very much looking forward to reading the series to my daughters in a couple of years.
You can contact me at my Etsy shop at http://AshleyPahl.etsy.com, or email me at Ashley@AshleyPahl.com. Thanks for the chance to win the bookplates!
My favorite childrens book is The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. It is incredibly prolific & imaginative, I cannot imagine what sort of person I'd be had it never entered my life. It is my favorite book.
I also collect childrens books - mostly Beverly Cleary, American Girl series, Katherine Patterson & Judy Blume :)
email: glassofwin@gmail.com
There are so many good ones...I was an avid reader beginning at 5 ("I am so smart - SMRT")...
It's a toss-up between "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and "The Phantom Tollbooth"...
but advice for Bun's library, get some Skippyjon Jones (so much fun to read!) and some Eric Carle "1,2,3...To The Zoo" is Marley's absolute favorite now for about six months running...animals, trains, and BALLOONS! Oh yea - there's this really great character that we all love called "Polo" (I think he's French) but it doesn't matter because the story is just laid out in sequential images and you make it up. Great fun at bedtime.
Great give away. Cute book plates.
What an awesome giveaway! My ultimate favourite children's book is The Little Engine That Could. I've loved it since the first time it was read to me. Definitely one that I will always cherish!
Thanks for the giveaway!
When I was a kid-I loved the Nancy drew series and anything by Madelyn L'Engle
My favourite is Good nite moon!!
Thank you!!
WOW! What a wonderful giveaway! Love it! We love the Mo Willems books around here - Pigeon Wants a Puppy, Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and others!
The Lorax and Green Eggs and Ham were always my favorite. My daughter loves Dr. Seuss and any sort of eye-spy book.
OH! The Velveteen Rabbit was the best little kids book every! It was my absolute favorite when I was really wee!
This is such a cute give away.
Oooh I loved books and still love reading..
These were my favorites:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Cant you sleep little bear?
These are beautiful - I'd be almost afraid to use them for fear the books weren't good enough! :) Or I'd have to save them to just use on my absolute favorite books.
I had so many favorite children's books: goodnight moon, anything with frog and toad, matilda, the twits, both alice books...i could go on.
i can be reached through the contact form on purrprints blog if i'm lucky enough to win
These are lovely! Heidi is my favorite book to this day and forever!please enter my name!
aww i love these! i think my favorite children's book dr. seuss books or the giving tree by shel silverstein!
lovely giveaway :)
How much fun is this? Thanks for letting me know!
As a girl I adored the Trixie Belden books.
For my boys I am slowly gathering the whole set of Roald Dahl books and we are also big fans of The Famous Five.
For really little ones you simply must have a beautiful Mother Goose hardcover, I recommend the one illustrated by Rosemary Wells. My First Mother Goose.
11 weeks is going to fly by!!
Your bookplates are adorable!
Some of my favorite childhood books included a book of nursery rhymes and a couple of big Richard Scarry books.
I noticed "I Wish I had Duck Feet" ~ that was a nightly read for my little brother!
Favourite book? The Faraway Tree by Ednid Blyton....oh, if only I could climb the faraway tree today and find myself in a land of...
One of my favorite childhood books was "Are You My Mother" by Dr. Suess
You can contact me through my Etsy shop
Great giveaway! I love your bookplates. They're so sweet!
My two favourite childhood books were:
Goodnight Moon
Love You Forever
My parents still have them at their house and every now and then I'll take a peak :)
I was an Enid Blyton fan too - I used to read, "The Magic Faraway Tree" to my brother before bed time for years and years. We loved the Wishing Chair too.
I came through via Jacqui's blog and I love your pieces.
Roald Dahl's BFG <3
Lovely bookplates--remind me so much of my childhood! One of my very favorites was In the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak! I love his illustration style in general, but this book really fascinated me much more than his classic Where the Wild Things Are. But I loved everything Sendak, also including Really Rosie.
website: bunnywithatoolbelt.etsy.com
My favourite story book is "The Paperbag Princess" by Robert Munsch.
My favourite children's novel(s) is/are the Harry Potter books.
awesome giveaway!
My favorite book that I read over and over to my sons is "Sometimes I Curl up in a Ball"
It's such a great book and so sweet!
Great Labels!! My favourite book was The Hungry Caterpillar :)
Great book plates! I always lose books after lending them out.... this would remind those certain people.
(I really loved the book Walt and Pepper)
These are adorable! So happy to find a fellow Canadian crafter!
My favourite childhood book was Flower Fairies of the Garden, I loved the beautiful watercolours of flower-frocked children living amongst a forest of garden flowers.
I really liked the book James and the Giant Peach :)
Great giveaway you are having!
It would have to be "The Pokey Little Puppy". I think I read that book to my children 500+ times!
Here's my new giveaway http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/2010/03/win-it-wednesday_23.html
I love these! My fav. book as a child was Charlotte's Web, although I was shocked and cried the 1st time I read it. Thanks! Jeanette at thealldays(at)msn.com
"Tickle tickle" by helen oxenbury. Actually any of her books...they're short enough for you to memorize (which will come in VERY handy when bun wants a story and you are busy doing something else, babe sits and flips the pages while I sew and I recite it for her).
Also its in board book copy so that's a BIG giant PLUS.
Wonderful giveaway!
I love A Penguin Story right now and my kids are crazy for it....growing up I loved The Story of Ferdinand and Leo the Late Bloomer.
These are so fabulous! I collect children's literature, so I have LOTS of favorites! LOL! One that really has always stood out since I was a kid is The Polar Express. I just love that story! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Enter me please! My favorite children book is "El principito"
Ana Belén R.M
I love Where the Wild Things Are.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Those are adorable! It's so hard to choose a favorite book. I guess I'll say "The Island of the Blue Dolphins." Thanks for the giveaway!
I loved The Phantom Tollbooth, Disney Books (like Snow White), Winnie The Pooh, The Chronicles of Narnia... I'm not sure if Watership Down is exactly considered children's literature, but I did read it in Elementary School and then when I got a bit older. That one is one of my all time favorites.
Thank you for this opportunity :)
samyrocks92 at msn dot com
I was such a voracious reader as a child that it's hard to pick! I have an aunt who was a children's librarian, and she would send me giant boxes of old books, which I would then devour.
Probably my favorite baby book is "Pat the Bunny". So stinkin' cute! ;)
When I was about 9 I found in the house which was generally full of random books ..The Hobbit, I loved it and still do, not least because more books followed it :)
I can be found at rainbow_owl_ears@yahoo.co.uk
What a great giveaway! My favorite Children's book is The Velveteen Rabbit...
anna.b.hale@ gmail.com
I have two favs - both dearly loved by both of my kids. #1 Hazels Amazing Mother by Rosemary Wells - for all those mothers who sew - a lesson of the power of love. My second fav is Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.
http://thesustainabilityadventure.blogspot.com and www.ellybags.etsy.com
Great Giveaway!! Have always loved the Ramona books:) Also, Nancy Drew!
Definitely Winnie the Pooh was my favorite :)
Oh gosh, my favorite by far has always been Dr. Seuss's "The Sneetches & Other Stories", particularly the one about the pants with no one inside them (I think it was called "What was I afraid of?")! Wonderful book! I'm also smitten with the Olivia the Pig books, even though they're way past my time!
Great shop, great giveaway! I would just LOVE to win these bookplates!
I did love Winnie the Pooh - also the Madeline books.
I love Peter Rabbit, we had this beautiful boxed set as kids and my sister is going to get. I'm not to happy about that :) ambrerose(!at)aol.com
My fave books are two LLama Llama Red Pajama, and Llama Llama Mad at Mama
they are books I have received one from the doctor's office for my son, and I liked it so much I went out and bought the second one. They are my son's fave books also. We love to read them together
I loved Dick and Jane!! The artwork, alone, was awesome. My favorite book, thus far, is a C.S. Lewis book...doesn't help you with inspiration, as this is a book called, "The Great Divorce"...not what you may think that it means.
Childhood book....The Velveteen Rabbit.
You do marvelous work. How cool about the baby shower, etc. Thank you for pointing me over here as I've been limited on blog reading time, lately. Time to catch up!
Such sweet bookplates! For me, Goodnight Moon is a must! "Goodnight nobody." It gets me every time.
Just follow the name link for my info:)
my favorite book was this gross cookbook. It was by Ronald Dahl I believe his name is. He wrote Willy Wonka and all of those. The cook book had real recipes that were shaped like gross things. :)
I loveeed the witches and BFG by roald dahl
What a neat giveaway =)
carzooCritters at gmail dot com
My favorite kid book was Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!!
I want to win this time! I didn't win last time :( Ok, my fav children's book is called "Just Like You" - I don't know who wrote it. Super cute :)
these are cute! i love "a chair for my mother". :)
Right now I remember I used to like the Berenstain Bears books, but then again, I don't remember reading much books when I was little :(
Those bookplates are to do for!
My favourite childhood book is Green Eggs an Ham! And I remember reading it to my younger siblings too. Such good flow!
I liked the little house on the prairie books.
Oooo cute! I hope to win! My favorite book was a called a rainy day picnic, with minnie mouse. A very loved family friend got it for me on my 4th birthday and mailed it out. I was super excited to receive a package in the mail and I just loved the book. If I win, my blog is a good place to contact me! Thanks for the chance! :)
The jolly postman was my favorite book. It had these little letters to various villagers that you could pull out and read. (The village was made up of classics like little red riding hood, a witch, etc.)
Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!
(email in blogger profile)
One of my favorite books as a wee one was "Stand Back" Said the Elephant, "I'm going to Sneeze!" It's a winner. As are these adorable bookplates!
- Sarah Westervin
My all time favorite is Alice in Wonderland which I find more and more enjoyable over the years.
Nowadays I'm a big fan of Curious George! My daughter is crazy about him and I was happy to discover it too! Fun, witty and charming illustrations.
I loved the Disney books, especially Cinderella. As I got a little older I really enjoyed Nancy Drew.
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