Monday, May 5, 2014

walk walk walk

These past couple of weeks have been very exciting. Our youngest son Cedar has started to walk… and walk, and walk, and walk. So now the chasing game begins. I have a feeling I am about to embark on a very long on-going workout.


Almost Precious said...

Valerie he is so cute, just like his big brother - and he is growing up just as quickly.

Chasing after little really keeps a mother in shape, great exercise. :D

Almost Precious said...

Oops - please insert "ones" between little and really. =0

Unknown said...

he is a cutie...and there is no better exercise than chasing your little love.

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

What fun V. :)

He is adorable :)

Have a lovely week, cheers, T. :)