Friday, February 12, 2010

collage girls saxing

I haven't posted an instalment of recent odd keywords lately (searches people have typed into Google to end up at this site)... so why not some weird ones to wrap up the week. Here are 8 random keyword searches (and my 2 cents) that have popped up on the list recently: *please note that I kept their original spellings intact

1. collage girls saxing

Yes, I get many hits for "collage girls" actually looking for "college girls"... but this one is new... someone wants to see a bunch of them playing saxophones... oh wait... they don't mean musicians do they...

2. my favorite subject in scool is history

Well, it sure isn't "spelling" is it? sorry, I got a bit snippy there.

3. fancy deer stand

For those deer that can't stand up themselves?

4. 11th anniversary day card

Wow! An anniversary card for Day 11 of your relationship... a true romantic or super stalker?... you decide.

5. forgot give you cake, happy birthday

Awww... now this is such a heartfelt sentiment, isn't it? I seriously have to turn this one into a real birthday card greeting or something.

6. what would a squirrel say on your birthday

Hmmm... not sure... maybe he would say... "you forgot to give me cake" and then proceed to bite your ankles.

7. i want a girl in my cabin

Ok, creepy person, I have seen how horror movies start... not going to help you out there

8. i want to catch a baby deer

Ok, is this the same creepy person?... again, I have seen how horror movies start... no baby deer for you either.

Find past ones here, here and here. Happy Weekend!

ps. my February giveaway kicks off this Monday!!!!


M.M.E. said...

You always get the best ones!!

katie hanson said...

who are these people who google for baby deer? :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, this is too funny! Somehow I missed your prior installments of this little series, but am so glad I caught this one. Your #6 almost made me spit my coffee out :P

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Oh what a crack up :) Thanks for starting my day with a giggle :)

Have a wonderful weekend, T.

Katikinz said...

"Collage girls saxing"

I love that one.

Callie said...

hilarious lol. Collage girls saxing, girl in my cabin, catching baby deer, sound like the small town I grew up in LOL. Definitely funny

Mary Richmond said...

haha--those are great! i love the words that show up in word verification, too...

Annette said...

Haha...I sure needed a laugh! Love the collage girls saxing!

Southern Belle said...

Lol. Those are funny.

Metalsgirl said...

#4 is AWESOME! Love it!!! Hilarious.

Larissa said...

holy cow, that is one of the funniest things i have seen in a while! what a great idea to post those...and your comments are hysterical! makes me want to go check my analytics...

Thanks for the laugh,


ourlittlelovenest said...

I love when you do these! They are so funny I giggle out loud! Thanks for making everyone around me think I am on crack;) xo

Art by Trina said...

Those are too funny! I like Fancy deer standing :)

Anastasia said...

haha very funny!

Chrisy said...

Guaranteed smile material here...I like the what would a squirrel say on your birthday...think you got the answer spot on here...
No honey, how do you get this info? I'd be interested to check mine out...
Have a lovely weekend...

Chrisy said...

Found them! Didn't realise you could find these on Google Analytics...there's some strange ones there...
'american artist horrible painting sitting doll' ...i wonder if they found this hope so...

Dig The Earth said...

Saxing? LOL

Rainy Day Gardener said...

so glad you had a happy appointment yesterday. I remember feeling all was well with the world after those visits :) Have a lovely weekend and I'll be thinking happy thoughts of our neighbors up north when I catch the opening ceremonies tonight! cheers!

MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

Oh, gosh, this is fun. My favorite ever for my shop was "dirt for brains."

Tara said...

what a hilarious blog post Val! i love this idea - i hope you don't mind if i co-op it someday ; )


Vivi said...

These are so stinkin' funny! And isn't it also just such a revealing look into people's minds without even trying to get in there?? It seems as if Google knows all of our secrets...

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

this is very entertaining...

Unknown said...

These are so funny! My personal favorite was number 8...hope you had a good weekend, love your blog!


jdavissquared said...

hahaha! these always crack me up! you get the craziest searches!