Thursday, February 3, 2011

chirp chirp

The sun was out yesterday, so baby Jasper and I went for a nice stroll... and we actually saw some flowers blooming and heard some birds chirping!... we didn't actually see the little chirpers though. I am thinking maybe that little groundhog (Punxsutawney Phil) might be on to something... maybe Spring will come early!


My Life Under the Bus said...

OMG are those actual flowers?!?! Here in the Northeast we have a few choice names for Phil but for us he is def wrong! I have 3 feet of snow in my front yard covered in an inch of ice...with more on the way saturday and next tues, wed, thurs....HELP US !!!!!

LiPeony said...

been so long since I've seen actual green on trees here in NYC. Your pictures give me hope that Spring is coming soon! =D

Annie said...

Oh I hope spring is on its way, the sun was out here yesterday too but it was sooooo cold!

Pattie said...

It is nice to see the sun especially now that everything has been so frigid. I hope I too see the sun soon, to cold isn't very becoming to me...

Anonymous said...

what a lovely view, beautiful flowers that was still blooming even though the weather are so cold.

Tealight Candles | Osprey Viewcast

TMCPhoto said...

on my way home from the Bean's one week check up (also her first outing since coming home with us) I saw the first cherry blossoms too. Glad you and Jasper are getting out to enjoy some of the sun

Almost Precious said...

Love the photo of the pink flowers, they are so pretty. We don't have any snow to worry about down here in South Florida but I know a lot of the States have really gotten battered by this last blizzard that came through. Hope this winter does end soon .

Sarah Knight said...

Wow, I am so envious of your lack of snow!
Looks like a lovely time : )

Art by Trina said...

I am so happy to see anything in nature that isn't covered in snow :) Thanks for sharing.


Meeling said...

Great shots...a walk in the crisp air I'm sure was lovely and those pretty!

kelli g. { bug miscellany } said...

geez i can't remember the lst time ol' phil said it would be an early spring. but huzzah for that!

i love our random sunny february days. :)

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

What a lovely walk you guys must have had.

The bulbs are trying to push thru the ground but I haven't seen any flowers yet.

Have a lovely weekend, T. :)

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

oh yes, our brief bit of sun, wish it would stick around longer but todays pretty nice too! lovely photos. i sure do hope spring will come early, how sweet would that be?! happy weekend! ♥

Unknown said...

What a beautiful scenery! Great shots!

Christopher Hinn

thestoryofkat said...

wow, i can't believe you've got flowers already! we've got about 4 feet of snow on the ground here in massachusetts and that's after a week of melting.