And so production for fall/winter merchandise begins. Yes, I know it is only August, but with the wee one running around now, I figure an early start this year is a must. I'm aiming to do three holiday shows this year, so to keep my sanity, I think an early start is key. Here is some progress so far, cutting out veneer for my wood gift tag sets. Hey, but it's not all just work and no play... I must admit I cut them while watching awful TV (multitasking makes me feel less guilty, especially when watching the Jersey Shore or MTV's Teen Mom... really bad, I know!).
Hey you're not alone... it is only August, but it's already time to start thinking about stocking up our goods for the holidays... right there with ya! ;)
Hey those tags look real fun. It's always good to start things early, you just reminded me of all the things I'm putting off in my own shop--it really is going to be fall soon, huh?
My name is Valerie and I live in Vancouver, Canada. I have my own little company called Cabin + Cub where I work as a freelance designer and also create artsy and crafty items. I love drawing, making collages, cooking, snowboarding and traveling. My blog space is a place I love to share my work, everyday adventures, daily musings and inspirations. Thanks for visiting!
Hey you're not alone... it is only August, but it's already time to start thinking about stocking up our goods for the holidays... right there with ya! ;)
Working while watching Teen Mom is my favorite! When I've caught up on all of those episodes, I switch over to Hoarders.
Looks like you've got a nice supply of cut tags to keep you busy embellishing for a while.
In a few years your little man, Jasper, will be able to help you out ... or maybe he will be into hot skateboards and want to help his dad. :)
Hey those tags look real fun. It's always good to start things early, you just reminded me of all the things I'm putting off in my own shop--it really is going to be fall soon, huh?
With that title, I thought you had made the tags out of an old bad TV. That would have been cool.
These are fun! Glad to see you posting again :)
One of my guilty pleasure too!! Anyway, those wood tags look really cool!
I worked all day friday while keeping up with the kardashians!
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