Enter to win by posting a comment telling me what is the best or worst Valentine's gift you have ever received... and don't be shy, it's time to fess up! Was it s sugary marriage proposal accompanied with a sparkly diamond ring... a rock through a window from an ex?... maybe a hot air ballon ride during sunset?... or just an empty box... do tell! do tell!
I'll make a random draw from the shiny trophy cup on Monday, February 22nd... so check back to see if you won! Please remember to include some sort of contact info (etsy shop, blog, website, or e.mail address) and please only one entry per person. Good luck to everyone!
So far the best V-day present I've received was last night; after a long, long night of work, I came home to find my sweetie with a big bouquet and a bottle of wine waiting for me :)
katiecitrowske at hotmail dot com
Lovely wall plaque.
I once received the whole works from a college boyfriend - flowers, chcolates, the lot! We broke up the next day! Not sure why he'd bothered...
Since my husband's only given me 2 valentines day presents the whole time we've been together and both times it was a single red rose, I'd have to say a red rose... He's in the dog house :)
I think the worst was a guy I went out with in college. He told me, during Valentine's Day dinner, that he'd like to have an open relationship (seeing other people at the same time). It's just silly now, but at the time I was devastated.
The best was a random guy on the street who walked around with an armful of roses, giving them away to each lady he saw. Needless to say I received one and it was really nice :)
Thanks for the chance!
Kelly @ TLE
thelostearring at yahoo dot com
Best valentine's day gift: romantic bottle of red wine to sit & enjoy with my hubby - after the kiddos went to bed :) I'm simple & easy to please.
Hello again! I love that plaque! Best present I ever received...probably a Valentine's themed car package from my mom while at college...with a beautiful scarf, heirloom rose candle, and a few other treats in it. Best wishes blogging!
That is so pretty! Count me in.
The best V-day present I ever got was a big vase of fresh flowers from my then-boyfriend-now-fiance. No guy had ever done that for me before. It wasn't just a bunch of roses, either: it was multi-colored, beautiful flowers, including my favorite: irises. They were delivered to my school the day before V-day, and he said it was to make it MORE special. People kept asking me about it. I felt so good!
Nothing has beaten that since, except for keeping my love strong for this man. :)
I love the sparrow wall plaque! My worst Valentine's gift was a a bouquet of roses...that had been ordered probably hours before we broke up. He didn't bother taking back the order...ouch. good thing that was a long, long time ago! :)
the best valentine i've ever received came from my first boyfriend in college. he made me a handmade valentine, gave me a pepe lepieu stuffed animal holding a heart (inside joke) and a single red rose. for poor college kids (and my first love), it was amazing. still makes me smile :)
My Daughter was tossed off her horse and took a hoof to her face on Saturday. She has a dozen or so stitches, lots of bruising and she's pretty stiff and sore. Her injuries could have been so much worse~my best gift is that she'll be OK.
My worst Valentine's was way back in high school. My boyfriend said he was going to take me out for the night and took me to Arby's:) Not exactly first class, haha.
Anyways, love the plaque!
The plaque would look so good in my sewing room!!
The best was the year my husband gave me a big basket from Bath & Body Works. We have such opposite tastes in most everything but he picked out a scent I'm still using 10 years later!!
The best was a handwritten Valentine from my husband :-)
i love your work!
that being said, i think the cutest valentine was when my now husband and i had started dating, his friend had a crush on my roommate, so the boys came over and brought us a heart shaped pizza to all share. it's sort of silly, but i think those sorts of silly things are meaningful.
the best valentines gift was this year when my boyfriend gave me some records he picked out...and a gift card to pick out MORE records! being a rock'n'roll dj who is sorta obsessed, this was thoughtful AND perfect :)
Mine was probably this year, my long distance boyfriend and I met when he was a barista in my hometown starbucks. SO he sent me a starbucks giftcard so he could buy me valentines day coffee even though several states are in between and a coffee sleeve with a letter written on it. ^.^ and seashells from the Oregon Coast (which is where my parent's house is)
oooh! I want, i want!
The best gift has to be THIS year's. He and I have been waiting for two years to have the finances and home suitable for getting a puppy. He gave me the okay a couple weeks ago and said to pick one out, that we'd get it as our Valentine to one another.
I get to go pick up the furball on Wednesday. We are SOOO excited!!
I soooo want this!
Well I'll tell you about my worst Valentine's gift, it's not exactly a gift, it was a dinner my boyfriend and I had one year. We went to one of our favorite restaurants in NYC. I had what I thought was a yummy steak. Shortly afterward, we had to rush home b/c I was struck with the worst bout of food poisoning. We haven't been back there since. :(
Very sweet wall plaque - I've got a bit of an obsession with birds.
The weirdest Valentine's present I received was a collection of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Kind of romantic, in an eerie kind of way.
This year we went on a picnic, and it was just lovely. Simple is best!
hi, My worst three valentines were the first three with my husband... he did not do anything at all :( then I got upset, and after that I felt like a brat for getting upset. He knows better now though!
One of the very best Valentine gifts I've ever received was a mixed tape, many years later now, and we are married, still collecting songs, only now they're on cds. :)
Best was a little plastic valentine's pin from my mother, simply because it was so unexpected, and a rather uncharacteristic thing for her to buy. She'd just seen it when she'd been thinking of me and wanted to take the opportunity to remind me that she loved me.
oh this is beautiful!
Best Valentine's Day gift was from my Mother..I was 16. She wrapped up the childrens book 'Runaway Bunny' as I was going through a very 'independent' stage. I know read the book to my little ones :)
I don't remember the best I think maybe candles and this big candle holder I really wanted really badly. The worst would be NOTHING! ack! I've gotten nothing for like 5 years in row now, hubby's been a slacker lol!
The swallow plaque is a winner girl! And my worst valentines was reading the valentine messages in the state newspaper...with a work colleague..gigglin over the mushy messages...finding a particularly risque poem (included were the words 'lovely loins'!) and realising it was written to me by my current beau...oh it was memorable alright!
worst valentines gift? nothing. :(
ooo i want it!
my best/worst valentines gift...i would have to say that was just this year. my fiancee brought home some lighter fluid for me. yes, lighter fluid...ok ok, it's not that bad. he got it to fill up these vintage hand warmers he'd gotten me for xmas for when i go skiing. what a doll!
geschichtenvonkat [at] gmail dot com
Such a lovely bird! ^_^
so . kitsch (at) gmail (dot) com
So glad I found your blog!
The best v-day gift I have ever received was a homemade dinner from my boyfriend. We had some wine and ate outside. It was wonderful and so simple.
The worse gift I ever got was a box of sugar free candy when I was about a size 5. Was he trying to tell me something? LOL
Beautiful plaque!
I'd have to say the best gift was a teddy bear and candy from my 5th grade boyfriend :) I was the only girl in the class to get something from a boy!!!
memoriesforlifescrapbooks at hotmail dot com
the best valentines gift I ever got was a special dinner made by my husband it was so romantic!
The best gift I received was a photo album of me and my dearest through our one yr journey into our marriage :o)
This year I asked my husband to just give me a card, preferably handmade, But instead I got a blue zircon and diamond ring! I couldn't believe it!
My husband totally forgot one year!!
Last year my husband got me (at midnight) like 150 valentines balloons. I had to hold them all out the window on the way home. My sister was jealous. It was awesome.
This is such a great idea for a giveaway. I actually got out some of my old journals to jog my memory of Valentine's Days past.
The day BEFORE Valentine's day, my boyfriend said to me, "I was thinking about surprising you outside of class with milk tea tomorrow." I had no idea why he told me this. And the next day, that's what he did. He "surprised" me outside of class with some milk tea from a nearby cafe.
I kept waiting for the punchline, but no, that was it.
Boys are so confusing.
The best v-day gift I received was a pack of polaroid film <3 along with a box of sweethearts and a handmade magnet made by my boyfriend. Plus dinner & a movie. Followed by a nice walk around downtown and some Ghiradelli ice cream!
A perfect day spent with my boy. Just plenty of quality time, a nice lunch, cuddles on the beach.. :)
My husband and I don't really celebrate valentine's day with cards or gifts... We just try to spend some quality time together, and those moments are much more valuable than any gift.
My husband and I don't really celebrate valentine's day with cards or gifts... We just try to spend some quality time together, and those moments are much more valuable than any gift.
The best birthday present I received was when I was in high school. I had mono and my boyfriend (now my hubby) bought me The Notebook and he spent the day with me because I couldn't go anywhere. Thankfully I never gave him mono!
The worst one I got was from an ex-boyfriend when I was 16 (he was 20) - he gave me a black rose that was suppose to be underwear. Totally presumptuous - needless to say, he was dumped soon after.
The best one was from my husband when he and I were still dating. He surprised me with a doberman pinscher puppy that he adopted for us. He was our first dog together but not the last. We have our weimaraner now - Wendy (Mickey our dobie, sadly passed away in 2002 when he was only 6 years old).
this year, my husband surprised me with a big bag full of 2 boxes of chocolate, 3 dozen different flower bouquets, and a single rose, and 3 different cards, as well as a big yummy candle, a jar of huckleberry jam, and lots of kisses :D
I love your wood plaque and I love birds. It is beautiful.
I think the best gift I have recieved is the gift of love. After all, love is all we really need.
Thanks for the chance - I love this!
the massage i got this past valentine's day was awesome
Hey lady - too cute! My best valentine's EVER was from an old boyfriend. He welded me a rose. I kid you not. He took apart an actual rose and then traced each individual petal and leaf onto sheet metal and welded it all together. It was stunning - he did a really good job. And it will last forever!
The best v-day present as cheesy as it may be was when my love bought a star for the two of us.
this would make me smile daily...
Oh that wall plaque is darling... I'd love to win it. :)
OK- lol, the worst Valentine's gift is the one I never got... no lie, my husband bought me a card this year, and he hasn't given it to me yet. He keeps telling me he has to write in it... and here it is, days after Valentine's day... I haven't even seen the card yet. Sigh. Men.
Valentine's day has always been hard to celebrate for me, because my birthday is the week before. It always felt wrong expecting gifts 8 days apart. Once in high school my then-boyfriend had roses sent to me at school on my birthday. All day long people were giving him a hard time, figuring that he just had messed up on when Valentine's Day was.
Well I have had two of the worst Valentine's Days! The first one was this year when I came home to realize that my boyfriend forgot about me. The second was when I was 18 and my cat died...so over all not the best holiday for me :)
This year actually my hubby surprised me with...a cell phone battery...yeah not the best. Plus it was two days after Valentines...so on VDAY I got nada.
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